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Results 141150 of 17,660 for descr%3A%22spam filter%22.(0.147 seconds)
net/Net-LDAP-FilterBuilder-1.200000 (Score: 0.024855632)
Perl module to construct LDAP filter statments
Perl convenience module which simplifies the construction of LDAP query filter statments as described in RFC-4515.
print/a2ps-4.13b (Score: 0.024782423)
Formats an ASCII file for printing on a postscript printer
A2ps formats each named file for printing in a postscript printer; if no file is given, a2ps reads from the standard input. The format used is nice and compact: normally two pages on each physical page, borders surrounding pages, headers with useful information (page number, printing date, file name or supplied header), line numbering, etc. This is very useful for making archive listings of programs. Additionally, A2ps "pretty print"s using special fonts for a wide array of languages, making things like program listings much more legible. LICENSE: GPL2 or later
graphics/a2png-0.1.5 (Score: 0.024546517)
Converts plain ASCII text into PNG bitmap images
a2png is a UNIX program that converts plain text into PNG images.
print/a2pdf-1.13 (Score: 0.024446458)
Text to PDF converter
a2pdf converts ASCII text to PDF format, with optional line/page numbering and Perl syntax highlighting.
mail/ingo-3.2.12 (Score: 0.024446113)
Horde email filter rules manager
Ingo is an email-filter management application. It is fully internationalized, integrated with Horde and the IMP Webmail client, and supports both server-side (Sieve, procmail) and client-side (IMAP) message filtering.
textproc/po4a-0.45 (Score: 0.024415303)
Brings gettext translation tools to all kinds of docs
The po4a (po for anything) project goal is to ease translations (and more interestingly, the maintenance of translations) using gettext tools in areas where they were not expected, like documentation. po4a supports currently the following formats: * manpages * pod * xml (generic, docbook, xhtml, dia, or guide) * sgml * TeX (generic, LaTeX, or Texinfo) * text (simple text files with some formatting) * ini * KernelHelp
mail/libmilter-8.15.2 (Score: 0.023879796)
Library providing Sendmail Mail Filter API
The sendmail Mail Filter API (Milter) is designed to allow third-party programs access to mail messages as they are being processed in order to filter meta-information and content.
mail/jmba-0.5.5 (Score: 0.023783825)
Junk Mail Buffering Agent
Junk Mail Buffering Agent is a tool for preventing delivery of email until the sender has confirmed their address. It can be used in conjunction with a spam filter to prevent delivery of spammy-looking email unless the sender is confirmed as valid. jmba is designed to be used in conjunction with a spam filter such as QSF and the mail processor procmail. When the spam filter says it thinks an email is spam, it can be passed to jmba. jmba will queue it and send an email to the sender containing a key; if the sender replies, the original email is "unfrozen" from the queue and delivered.
mail/ask-2.5.3 (Score: 0.023717608)
Anti Spam Killer content filtering
Active Spam Killer (ASK) protects your email account against spam by confirming the sender's email address before actual delivery takes place. The confirmation happens by means of a "confirmation message" that is automatically sent to all "unknown" users.
audio/libfilteraudio-0.150524 (Score: 0.023452906)
Lightweight audio filtering library made from webrtc code
Lightweight audio filtering library made from webrtc code.