Ports 搜索

devel/qt4-4.8.7 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Cross-platform application and UI framework (metaport)
Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework for developers using C++ or QML, a CSS/JavaScript-like language. With Qt, code can be reused efficiently to target multiple platforms with one code base. The modular C++ class library and developer tools easily enables developers to create applications for one platform and easily build and run to deploy on another platform.
devel/DateTime-Format-SQLite-0.11 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Parse and format SQLite dates and times
This module understands the formats used by SQLite for its DATE, DATETIME, TIME, and TIMESTAMP data types. It can be used to parse these formats in order to create DateTime objects, and it can take a DateTime object and produce a string representing it in the SQLite format.
devel/Devel-Declare-Parser-0.020 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Perl extension for higher level interface to Devel-Declare
Devel-Declare-Parser is a higher-level API sitting on top of Devel::Declare. It is used by Devel::Declare::Exporter to simplify exporting of Devel::Declare magic. Writing custom parsers usualy only requires subclassing this module and overriding a couple methods.
devel/Devel-SmallProf-2.02 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Per-line Perl profiler
The Devel::SmallProf profiler is focused on the time taken for a program run on a line-by-line basis. It is intended to be as "small" in terms of impact on the speed and memory usage of the profiled program as possible and also in terms of being simple to use.
devel/Devel-Profile-1.05 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Tell me why my perl program runs so slowly
The Devel::Profile package is a Perl code profiler. This will collect information on the execution time of a Perl script and of the subs in that script. This information can be used to determine which subroutines are using the most time and which subroutines are being called most often.
devel/Devel-TraceUse-2.094 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
This module shows the modules your program loads, recursively
Devel::TraceUse - Show the modules your program loads, recursively. An apparently simple program may load a lot of modules. That's useful, but sometimes you may wonder exactly which part of your program loads which module. Devel::TraceUse can analyze a program to see which part used which module.
devel/Dir-Project-3.025 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Project Environment determination
Dir::Project provides a way to locate a source-controlled directory (CVS, Subversion, Perforce, etc) using only the current working directory (cd). This prevents users from having to set other environment variables when they switch between areas, and allows scripts and such inside the directory to be executed without changing the user's PATH.
devel/Exporter-5.68 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Implements default import method for modules
The Exporter module implements an "import" method which allows a module to export functions and variables to its users' namespaces. Many modules use Exporter rather than implementing their own "import" method because Exporter provides a highly flexible interface, with an implementation optimised for the common case.
devel/File-ExtAttr-1.09 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Access to extended attributes of the files
File::ExtAttr is a Perl module providing access to the extended attributes of the files. Extended attributes are metadata associated with a file. Examples are access control lists (ACLs) and other security parameters. But users can add their own key=value pairs. Extended attributes are supported by FreeBSD starting from version 5.
devel/File-FcntlLock-0.22 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Perl5 module for file locking with fcntl
FcntlLock is a module to do file locking in an object oriented fashion using the fcntl(2) system call. This allows locks on parts of a file as well as on the whole file and overcomes some known problems with flock(2), on which Perls flock() function is based by default.