Ports 搜索

textproc/XML-RSS-JavaScript-0.65 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Perl extension to serialize your RSS as JavaScript
Serialize your RSS as JavaScript. Perhaps you use XML::RSS to generate RSS for consumption by RSS parsers. Perhaps you also get requests for how to use the RSS feed by people who have no idea how to parse XML, or write Perl programs for that matter. Enter XML::RSS::JavaScript, a simle subclass of XML::RSS which writes your RSS feed as a sequence of JavaScript print statements. This means you can then write the JavaScript to disk, and a users HTML can simple include it like so: <script language="JavaScript" src="/myfeed.js"></script> What's more the javascript emits HTML that can be fully styled with CSS. See the CSS examples included with the distribution in the css directory.
textproc/translate-toolkit-2.0.0b3 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Converts between many translation formats
The Translate Toolkit is a set of software and documentation designed to help make the lives of localizers both more productive and less frustrating. The software includes programs to covert localization formats to the common PO format and programs to check and manage PO files. The documentation includes guides on using the tools, running a localization project and how to localize various projects from OpenOffice.org to Mozilla. At its core the software contains a set of classes for handling various localization storage formats: DTD, properties, OpenOffice.org GSI/SDF, CSV and of course PO and XLIFF. It also provides scripts to convert between these formats. Also part of the Toolkit are Python programs to create word counts, merge translations and perform various checks on PO and XLIFF files.
textproc/elasticsearch-dsl-py-0.0.8 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
High level Python client for Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch DSL is a high-level library whose aim is to help with writing and running queries against Elasticsearch. It is built on top of the official low-level client (elasticsearch-py). It provides a more convenient and idiomatic way to write and manipulate queries. It stays close to the Elasticsearch JSON DSL, mirroring its terminology and structure. It exposes the whole range of the DSL from Python either directly using defined classes or a queryset-like expressions. It also provides an optional wrapper for working with documents as Python objects: defining mappings, retrieving and saving documents, wrapping the document data in user-defined classes. To use the other Elasticsearch APIs (eg. cluster health) just use the underlying client.
textproc/ri_cal-0.8.8 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Library for parsing, and generating iCalendar data
RiCal is a new Ruby Library for parsing, generating, and using iCalendar (RFC 2445) format data. RiCal distinguishes itself from existing Ruby libraries in providing support for Timezone components in Calendars. This means that RiCal parses VTIMEZONE data and instantiates timezone objects which can be used to convert times in the calendar to and from UTC time. In addition, RiCal allows created calendars and components to use time zones understood by TZInfo gem (from either the TZInfo gem or from Rails ActiveSupport => 2.2). When a calendar with TZInfo time zones is exported, RFC 2445 conforming VTIMEZONE components will be included, allowing other programs to process the result. Enumeration of recurring occurrences. For example, if an Event has one or more recurrence rules, then the occurrences of the event can be enumerated as a series of Event occurrences.
textproc/rmmseg-cpp-0.2.9 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
High performance Chinese word segmentation utility
rmmseg-cpp is a high performance Chinese word segmentation utility for Ruby. It features full "Ferret":http://ferret.davebalmain.com/ integration as well as support for normal Ruby program usage. rmmseg-cpp is a re-written of the original RMMSeg(http://rmmseg.rubyforge.org/) gem in C++. RMMSeg is written in pure Ruby. Though I tried hard to tweak RMMSeg, it just consumes lots of memory and the segmenting process is rather slow. The interface is almost identical to RMMSeg but the performance is much better. This gem is always preferable in production use. However, if you want to understand how the MMSEG segmenting algorithm works, the source code of RMMSeg is a better choice than this.
www/trac-1.0.13 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
供软件开发项目使用的增强的 wiki 和问题跟踪系统
Trac 使用较低门槛的方法来实施基于 web 的软件项目管理。我们的使命是,帮助开发者 编写出很好的软件。Trac 应该尽可能少地改变团队已有的开发过程和策略。 Trac 的所有方面都符合一个单一的目标,简化跟踪和软件问题的交流,增强和监测整个进程。 Trac 是什么? * 一个管理软件项目的集成系统 * 一个增强的 wiki * 一个灵活的基于 web 的问题跟踪器 * 一个 Subversion 版本控制系统的界面 Trac 的核心在于集成 wiki 和问题/bug 数据库。使用 wiki 标记,所有管理的对象 都可以直接连接到其他的问题/bug 报告、代码变更集、文档和文件。
www/mod_log_firstbyte-1.01 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Log the time between request and the first byte of the response served
Ever tried logging Apache page serve times using '%D'? You'll have discovered that they aren't a good index of your server's performance, because they depend more on the client's connection speed, computer and browsing habits than on the speed of your server. mod_log_firstbyte is a module for Apache 2.0 which allows you to log the time between each request being read and the first byte of the response served. Unlike the total serve time, this index of performance tells you how long Apache actually spent loading the file off the disk or executing your script: it's independent of client connection speed. It makes a great performance benchmark for your server!
www/crawl-0.4 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Small, efficient web crawler with advanced features
The crawl utility starts a depth-first traversal of the web at the specified URLs. It stores all JPEG images that match the configured constraints. Crawl is fairly fast and allows for graceful termination. After terminating crawl, it is possible to restart it at exactly the same spot where it was terminated. Crawl keeps a persistent database that allows multiple crawls without revisiting sites. The main reason for writing crawl was the lack of simple open source web crawlers. Crawl is only a few thousand lines of code and fairly easy to debug and customize. Some of the main features: - Saves encountered JPEG images - Image selection based on regular expressions and size contrainsts - Resume previous crawl after graceful termination - Persistent database of visited URLs - Very small and efficient code - Supports robots.txt
www/Apache-ASP-2.62 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Active Server Pages for Apache
This perl module provides an Active Server Pages port to the Apache HTTP Server with perl as the host scripting language. Active Server Pages is a web application platform that originated with the Microsoft IIS server. Under Apache for both Win32 and Unix, it allows a developer to create dynamic web applications with session management and perl code embedded in static html files. This is a portable solution, similar to ActiveState PerlScript and MKS PScript implementation of perl for IIS ASP. Work has been done and will continue to make ports to and from these other implementations as smooth as possible. This module works under the Apache HTTP Server with the mod_perl module enabled. See http://www.apache.org and http://perl.apache.org for further information. For database access, ActiveX, and scripting language issues, please read the FAQ section. http://search.cpan.org/dist/Apache-ASP/
www/Apache-ConfigParser-1.02 (Score: 5.607941E-5)
Load Apache configuration files
The Apache::ConfigParser module is used to load an Apache configuration file to allow programs to determine Apache's configuration directives and contexts. The resulting object contains a tree based structure using the Apache::ConfigParser::Directive class, which is a subclass of Tree::DAG_node, so all of the methods that enable tree based searches and modifications from Tree::DAG_Node are also available. The tree structure is used to represent the ability to nest sections, such as <VirtualHost>, <Directory>, etc. Apache does a great job of checking Apache configuration files for errors and this modules leaves most of that to Apache. This module does minimal configuration file checking. The module currently checks for: Start and end context names match The module checks if the start and end context names match. If the end context name does not match the start context name, then it is ignored. The module does not even check if the configuration contexts have valid names.