Ports 搜索

devel/svn2git-2.3.2 (Score: 0.032514982)
Ruby utilities for exporting SVN repo to git
svn2git is a tiny utility for migrating projects from Subversion to Git while keeping the trunk, branches and tags where they should be. It uses git-svn to clone an svn repository and does some clean-up to make sure branches and tags are imported in a meaningful way, and that the code checked into master ends up being what's currently in your svn trunk rather than whichever svn branch your last commit was in.
devel/sysinfo-0.8.1 (Score: 0.032514982)
All your system-independent infoz in one handy class
rubygem-sysinfo provides all your system-independent informations in one handy class.
devel/systemu-2.6.4 (Score: 0.032514982)
Portable replacement for popen4
systemu is a portable replacement for popen4 in ruby. systemu can be used on any platform to return status, stdout, and stderr of any command. unlike other methods like open3/popen4 there is zero danger of full pipes or threading issues hanging your process or subprocess.
devel/table_print-1.5.6 (Score: 0.032514982)
Turn objects into formatted columns
TablePrint turns objects into nicely formatted columns for easy reading. Works great in rails console, works on pure ruby objects, autodetects columns and lets you traverse ActiveRecord associations.
devel/tdiff-0.3.3 (Score: 0.032514982)
Calculates the differences between two tree-like structures
TDiff calculates the differences between two tree-like structures. Similar to Rubys built-in TSort module.
devel/templater-1.0.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Ruby code generation framework
Templater is a powerful code generation framework. It declarative rules for generators, supports generators discovery in gems, has idea of actions other than template rendering and is open for extension.
devel/temple-0.7.6 (Score: 0.032514982)
Template compilation framework in Ruby
A template language whose goal is reduce the syntax to the essential parts without becoming cryptic.
devel/term-ansicolor-1.3.2 (Score: 0.032514982)
Term::ANSIColor for Ruby
Small Ruby library that colors strings using ANSI escape sequences. It's possible to use constants: print red, bold, "red bold", reset, "\n" or unary functions: print red(bold("red bold")), "\n" Blockforms do also autoreset at the block's end: print red { bold { "red bold" } }, "\n" It's also possible to use this module as Mixin for classes of objects that respond to :to_str, e.g. String. class String include Term::ANSIColor end print "red bold".red.bold, "\n"
devel/test-unit-3.1.9 (Score: 0.032514982)
Improved version of Test::Unit bundled in Ruby
An xUnit family unit testing framework for Ruby. Test::Unit (test-unit) is unit testing framework for Ruby, based on xUnit principles. These were originally designed by Kent Beck, creator of extreme programming software development methodology, for Smalltalk's SUnit. It allows writing tests, checking results and automated testing in Ruby.
devel/thor-0.19.1 (Score: 0.032514982)
Scripting framework that replaces rake, sake, and rubigen
A scripting framework that replaces rake, sake and rubigen