Ports Search

Results 2,6012,610 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.008 seconds)
misc/since-1.1 (Score: 8.167217E-4)
View the end of a file like tail(1), but save state between sessions
since is a Unix utility similar to tail. Unlike tail, since only shows the lines appended since the last time. It is useful to monitor growing log files.
net/Net-HL7-0.75 (Score: 8.167217E-4)
Net::HL7 - A simple yet flexible API for non-XML HL7 applications
The HL7 toolkit provides a lightweight Perl API for creating, manipulating, sending, and receiving HL7 messages. For more information about HL7, see http://www.hl7.org
net/pptpclient-1.8.0 (Score: 8.167217E-4)
PPTP client for establishing a VPN link with an NT server
This is a port of the "pptp-linux" PPTP client. It can establish a PPP connection with an NT server, tunneled through a PPTP link over the Internet. In effect, it makes the client machine behave as if it were on the same LAN as the server. John Polstra has created the port, including bug fixes that were subsequently integrated in the upstream release, and a patch to use FreeBSD's userland "ppp" package rather than "pppd" which it was originally designed to use. There is no manpage for this package, but you will find some quickstart instructions and example configuration files in "${PREFIX}/share/examples/pptpclient".
security/Crypt-Salt-0.01 (Score: 8.167217E-4)
Perl extension to generate a salt to be fed into crypt
The single exported subroutine in this module is for generating a salt suitable for being fed to crypt() and other similar functions.
sysutils/tenshi-0.15 (Score: 8.167217E-4)
Tenshi is a log monitoring program, designed to watch multiple logs
Tenshi is a log monitoring program, designed to watch one or more log files for lines matching user defined regular expressions and report on the matches. The regular expressions are assigned to queues which have an alert interval and a list of mail recipients. Queues can be set to send a notification as soon as there is a log line assigned to it, or to send periodic reports. Additionally, uninteresting fields in the log lines (such as PID numbers) can be masked with the standard regular expression grouping operators ( ). This allows cleaner and more readable reports. All reports are separated by hostname and all messages are condensed when possible.
textproc/dtdparse-2.00 (Score: 8.167217E-4)
Parse a DTD and produce an XML document that represents it
DTDParse is a tool for manipulating XML and SGML Document Type Definitions (DTDs). DTDParse is designed primarily to aid in the understanding and documentation of DTDs.
textproc/rot-1.2 (Score: 8.167217E-4)
Rotates a file so that lines become columns and vice versa
Rot rotates a file so that lines become columns and vice versa. This allows line-oriented Unix filters like grep to operate on columns instead.
www/mod_cfg_ldap-1.2 (Score: 8.167217E-4)
Allows you to keep your virtual host configuration in a LDAP directory
mod_cfgldap can be used to keep VirtualHost configuration of the Apache web server in a LDAP directory and to make changes visible in nearly realtime.
www/django_compressor-2.0 (Score: 8.167217E-4)
Compresses linked and inline JavaScript/CSS into a single cached file
Django Compressor combines and compresses linked and inline Javascript or CSS in a Django template into cacheable static files by using the compress template tag.
x11/slop-4.1.15 (Score: 8.167217E-4)
Make a screen selection and print the selection coordinates to stdout
slop (Select Operation) is an application that collects a screen selection from the user and prints the selection's coordinates to stdout.