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Results 3,0513,060 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.01 seconds)
sysutils/terraform-0.6.14 (Score: 6.0461083E-4)
Provides a common configuration to launch infrastructure
Terraform provides a common configuration to launch infrastructure - from physical and virtual servers to email and DNS providers. Once launched, Terraform safely and efficiently changes infrastructure as the configuration is evolved. Simple file based configuration gives you a single view of your entire infrastructure.
www/HTML-Display-0.40 (Score: 6.0461083E-4)
Display HTML locally in a browser
This module abstracts the task of displaying HTML to the user. The displaying is done by launching a browser and navigating it to either a temporary file with the HTML stored in it, or, if possible, by pushing the HTML directly into the browser window.
devel/clig- (Score: 6.043947E-4)
Auto-generate an (argc, argv) processor, usage message, and manpage
Clig generates C code to take apart the typical command-line arguments given to a C program. Input to clig is a simple description file that specifies the name and number of options, their type (Flag, String, Float, Int) and permissible range, and which options are mandatory. From this, clig will generate self-contained C code to include in your program, a usage message, and a manual page skeleton. Clig does a lot more than getopt!
devel/gtk2hs-buildtools- (Score: 6.043947E-4)
Tools to build the Gtk2Hs suite of User Interface Libraries
This package provides a set of helper programs necessary to build the Gtk2Hs suite of libraries. These tools include a modified c2hs binding tool that is used to generated FFI declarations, a tool to build a type hiearchy that mirrors the C type hiearchy of GObjects found in glib, and a generator for signal declarations that are used to call back from C to Haskell. These tools are not needed to actually run Gtk2Hs programs.
x11-toolkits/qt45-4.5.3 (Score: 6.043947E-4)
RPM of QT4 (Linux Fedora 10)
Qt is a C++ toolkit for application development. It lets application developers target all major operating systems with a single application source code. Qt provides a platform-independent API to all central platform functionality: GUI, database access, networking, file handling, etc. The Qt library encapsulates the different APIs of different operating systems, providing the application programmer with a single, common API for all operating systems. The native C APIs are encapsulated in a set of well-designed, fully object-oriented C++ classes.
graphics/springgraph-0.88 (Score: 6.0416904E-4)
Render graph described in a .dot file
Springgraph will read in a .dot file description of a graph, which, for each node, specifies its name and which other nodes it is connected to, and then renders a graph. Each node is drawn as an ellipse, and each connection is drawn as an arrow. The node placement is a result of all of the nodes moving away from each other, while all nodes which are connected move toward each other. This movement is repeated until it stabilizes. Springgraph was written as an alternative to neato, which is part of graphviz. It attempts to read the same .dot files used by graphviz, but currently only supports a limited number of node attributes (label and fillcolor). I am open to requests for support for more graph/node/edge attributes.
graphics/mitsuba-0.5.0 (Score: 6.0406904E-4)
Research-oriented physically based rendering system
Mitsuba is a research-oriented rendering system in the style of PBRT, from which it derives much inspiration. It is written in portable C++, implements unbiased as well as biased techniques, and contains heavy optimizations targeted towards current CPU architectures. Mitsuba is extremely modular: it consists of a small set of core libraries and over 100 different plugins that implement functionality ranging from materials and light sources to complete rendering algorithms. In comparison to other open source renderers, Mitsuba places a strong emphasis on experimental rendering techniques, such as path-based formulations of Metropolis Light Transport and volumetric modeling approaches. Thus, it may be of genuine interest to those who would like to experiment with such techniques that haven't yet found their way into mainstream renderers, and it also provides a solid foundation for research in this domain. Mitsuba comes with a command-line interface as well as a graphical frontend to interactively explore scenes. While navigating, a rough preview is shown that becomes increasingly accurate as soon as all movements are stopped. Once a viewpoint has been chosen, a wide range of rendering techniques can be used to generate images, and their parameters can be tuned from within the program.
audio/hexter-1.0.3 (Score: 6.038304E-4)
DSSI softsynth that models the sound generation of a Yamaha DX7
hexter is a software synthesizer that models the sound generation of a Yamaha DX7 synthesizer. It can easily load most DX7 patch bank files, edit those patches via a built-in editor or MIDI sys-ex messages (ALSA systems only), and recreate the sound of the DX7 with greater accuracy than any previous open-source emulation (that the author is aware of....) hexter operates as a plugin for the DSSI Soft Synth Interface. DSSI is a plugin API for software instruments (soft synths) with user interfaces, permitting them to be hosted in-process by audio applications.
devel/PerlIO-via-Timeout-0.32 (Score: 6.038304E-4)
PerlIO layer to add read and write timeouts to a handle
This package implements a PerlIO layer, that adds read / write timeout. This can be useful to avoid blocking while accessing a handle (file, socket, ...), and fail after some time. The timeout is implemented by using <select> on the handle before reading/writing. WARNING the handle won't timeout if you use sysread or syswrite on it, because these functions works at a lower level. However if you're trying to implement a timeout for a socket, see IO::Socket::Timeout that implements exactly that.
devel/Date-Leapyear-1.72 (Score: 6.0355244E-4)
Perl module to determine if a particular year a leap year
Date::Leapyear is a Perl module which exports one function: isleap(), which returns a 1 or 0 if the year is a leap year or not, respectively.