Ports 搜索

java/jrosetta-1.0.4 (Score: 9.885248E-4)
API for building a graphical console in Swing
JRosetta provides a common base for graphical component that could be used to build a graphical console in Swing with the latest requirements, such as command history, completion and so on for instance for scripting language or command line. This project can be seen as the evolution of the components developed in JyConsole. For now, JRosetta provides only API and graphical components. A Jython implementation for the scripting engine should be available during the first semester 2009. Functionalities * Generic abstract API for script engine * Completion window. * Command history. * Highly customisable, with external XML descriptor file. (Allow to specify the script engine to use, colors, font, shortcut...) Platform compatibility * JRosetta has been developed in pure Java, but relies on a JVM 1.5. * No specific hardware is needed. For further information, please contact us at the following address: contact at artenum.com
mail/Mail-Box-2.109 (Score: 9.885248E-4)
Perl module implementing a modern mail folder management
The Mail::Box folder is a modern mail-folder manager (at least on the moment of this writing). It is written to replace Mail::Folder, although its interface is different.
mail/Email-Simple-FromHandle-0.054 (Score: 9.885248E-4)
Perl library for making email objects from a filehandle
Email::Simple::FromHandle provides an Email::Simple object which uses a filehandle as its source, so it does not need to hold the entire body in memory until needed.
math/hfst-3.8.2 (Score: 9.885248E-4)
A toolkit for for processing natural language morphologies
The Helsinki Finite-State Transducer toolkit is intended for processing natural language morphologies. The toolkit is demonstrated by wide-coverage implementations of a number of languages of varying morphological complexity.
misc/ytree-1.99.p1 (Score: 9.885248E-4)
DOS-XTREE(tm) look-a-like file manager
Ytree is a nifty file manager similar to xtree. With some helper-applications (zip/zoo/tar etc.) you can also browse archive files. Viewers for "special" files are configurable (*.wav, *.gif etc.).
misc/xtar-1.4 (Score: 9.885248E-4)
View and manipulate contents of a tar file
XTar is a Motif program for viewing and manipulating tar archives (which may be compressed). The contents of the archive are displayed in the main window and various options are available from pulldown and popup menus.
net/nsscache-0.32 (Score: 9.885248E-4)
Python utility to create a local cache of directory services
nsscache is a utility for caching directory service information into local cache files. On FreeBSD, it is intended to be used with the net/libnss-cache port but it can also output BDB files for use by other operating systems.
textproc/Lingua-EN-Infinitive-1.11 (Score: 9.885248E-4)
Determine the infinitive form of a conjugated word
Determine the infinitive form of a conjugated word. Also, determine the suffix used to identify which rule to apply to transform the conjugated word into the infinitive form. Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
textproc/Regexp-Log-Common-0.10 (Score: 9.885248E-4)
Regexp::Log::Common, a parser for the Common Log Format
Regexp::Log::Common uses Regexp::Log as a base class, to generate regular expressions for performing the usual data munging tasks on log files that cannot be simply split().
textproc/Text-ASCIITable-0.20 (Score: 9.885248E-4)
Create a nice formatted table using ASCII characters
Pretty nifty if you want to output dynamic text to your console or other fixed-size-font displays, and at the same time it will display it in a nice human-readable, or "cool" way.