Ports 搜索

共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第1,0511,060项(搜索用时0.008秒)
games/xpilot-ng-4.7.3 (Score: 0.011657726)
Enhanced version of XPilot (server program)
german/webalizer-2.23.8 (Score: 0.011657726)
Web server log file analysis program
japanese/webalizer-2.23.8 (Score: 0.011657726)
Web server log file analysis program
multimedia/vlc-2.2.4 (Score: 0.011657726)
Qt 4 based multimedia player and streaming server
multimedia/vdr-plugin-xvdr-0.9.5 (Score: 0.011657726)
Video Disk Recorder - XVDR server plugin
VDR plugin to handle XBMC clients. The vdr-plugin-xvdr is able to handle serveral XBMC clients connecting via the XVDR addon.
net-mgmt/netmagis-2.3.2 (Score: 0.011657726)
Utilities for the netmagis database server
net/radiusd-cistron-1.6.8 (Score: 0.011657726)
RADIUS-compliant remote authentication and accounting server
This is the Cistron RADIUS daemon. Radiusd is a daemon that handles remote authentication requests and accounting for RADIUS clients. The clients may be terminal servers, Network Access Servers or other RADIUS servers.
polish/webalizer-2.23.8 (Score: 0.011657726)
Web server log file analysis program
portuguese/webalizer-2.23.8 (Score: 0.011657726)
Web server log file analysis program
portuguese/webalizer-2.23.8 (Score: 0.011657726)
Web server log file analysis program