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Results 781790 of 1,719 for /textproc/.(0.002 seconds)
Syntax highlighting for Perl code
Syntax::Highlight::Perl::Improved - Highlighting of Perl Syntactical Structures.
textproc/TeX-Hyphen-1.16 (Score: 0.068937615)
Hyphenate words using TeX's patterns
Hyphenate words using TeX's patterns.
CSS::Minifier::XS filter for Template Toolkit
Template::Plugin::Filter::Minify::CSS::XS is a Template Toolkit filter, which uses CSS::Minifier::XS to minify css code from filtered content during template processing.
CSS::Minifier filter for Template Toolkit
Template::Plugin::Filter::Minify::CSS is a Template Toolkit filter, which uses CSS::Minifier to minify css code from filtered content during template processing.
JavaScript::Minifier::XS filter for Template Toolkit
Template::Plugin::Filter::Minify::JavaScript::XS is a Template Toolkit filter, which uses JavaScript::Minifier::XS to compress javascript code from filtered content during template processing.
JavaScript::Minifier filter for Template Toolkit
Template::Plugin::Filter::Minify::JavaScript is a Template Toolkit filter, which uses JavaScript::Minifier to compress javascript code from filtered content during template processing.
Interface Template Toolkit to Lingua::EN::Inflect module
This is an interface into HTML::SuperForm through the Template Toolkit. When created without arguments (i.e. [% USE form = HTML.SuperForm %]), the Template's stash is searched for an Apache object or a CGI object to pass to HTML::SuperForm's constructor. When created with arguments (i.e. [% USE form = HTML.SuperForm(arg) %]), the arguments are passed to HTML::SuperForm's constructor.
Interface Template Toolkit to Lingua::EN::Inflect module
The Lingua::EN::Inflect is an interface of Template Toolkit to Damian Conway's Linua::EN::Inflect Perl module, which provides plural inflections, "a"/"an" selection for English words, and manipulation of numbers as words.
Escape variables to suit being placed into XML
Escapes XML entities from text, so that you don't fall prey to people putting quotes, less-than/greater-than, and ampersands, into variables that end up in TT templates.
textproc/Term-QRCode-0.01 (Score: 0.068937615)
Generate QR Code on Terminal
This module allows you to generate QR Code on Terminal. This module use libqrencode '2.0.0' and above.