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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第1,1511,160项(搜索用时0.026秒)
comms/xwota-0.4 (Score: 0.010043748)
X version of who is on the air
Xwota is a very simple Linux/FreeBSD/xBSD client for the WOTA Database (Who is On The Air Database) written by me (IZ0ETE). It's very similar to a DX Cluster client, but it works with the WOTA server. If you don't known what is the WOTA DB, please read some info at http://www.wotadb.org. It's written in C and GTK, and it should work on the latest Linux/BSD distributions. Please report to me your successful installation. (Linux, FreeBSD at the moment)
devel/Parallel-Scoreboard-0.07 (Score: 0.010043748)
Perl extension of scoreboard for monitoring status of many workers
Parallel::Scoreboard is a pure-perl implementation of a process scoreboard. By using the module it is easy to create a monitor for many worker process, like the status module of the Apache HTTP server. Unlike other similar modules, Parallel::Scoreboard is easy to use and has no limitation on the format or the length of the statuses to be stored. Any arbitrary data (like JSON or frozen perl object) can be saved by the worker processes as their status and read from the manager process.
www/fcgiwrap-1.1.0 (Score: 0.010043748)
Simple FastCGI wrapper for CGI scripts
fcgiwrap is a simple server for running CGI applications over FastCGI. It hopes to provide clean CGI support to Nginx (and other web servers that may need it). Features: * very lightweight (84KB of private memory per instance) * fixes broken CR/LF in headers * handles environment in a sane way (CGI scripts get HTTP-related env. vars * from FastCGI parameters and inherit all the others from fcgiwrap's * environment) * no configuration, so you can run several sites off the same fcgiwrap pool * passes CGI stderr output to fcgiwrap's stderr (this is by design but * stderr could be also passed to FastCGI stderr stream)
www/stagit-0.4 (Score: 0.010043748)
Static Git page generator
stagit is a static Git web page generator with the following features: - Log of all commits from HEAD. - Log and diffstat per commit. - Show file tree with linkable line numbers. - Show references: local branches and tags. - Detect README and LICENSE file from HEAD and link it as a webpage. - Detect submodules (.gitmodules file) from HEAD and link it as a webpage. - Atom feed log (atom.xml). - Make index page for multiple repositories with stagit-index. - After generating the pages (relatively slow) serving the files is very fast, simple and requires little resources (because the content is static), only a HTTP file server is required.
comms/tits-1.1.2 (Score: 0.010033145)
Server which provides telnet(1) access to one or more tty ports
The tits command is a server process which provides telnet(1) access to one or more tty ports as specified in config-file (or /etc/tits.conf if no configuration file is specified on the command line). Any number of telnet(1) clients may connect to a single tits port. Each client will see exactly the same output as well as being able to send keystrokes simultaneously.
databases/pgtune-0.9.3 (Score: 0.009920292)
Postgresql.conf tuning tips based on hardware and load type
pgtune takes the wimpy default postgresql.conf and expands the database server to be as powerful as the hardware it's being deployed on.
net/osrtspproxy-2.0 (Score: 0.009920292)
Reference implementation kit of an RTSP proxy
The RTSP Proxy Kit is a reference implementation of an RTSP proxy. RTSP (RFC 2326) is a client-server multimedia presentation control protocol, used e.g. by RealNetworks RealPlayer.
net/Beanstalk-Client-1.06 (Score: 0.009920292)
Perl API for beanstalkd, a distributed queue daemon
Beanstalk::Client provides a Perl API of protocol version 1.0 to the beanstalkd server, a fast, general-purpose, in-memory workqueue service by Keith Rarick.
net/remotebox-1.8.1 (Score: 0.009920292)
Open Source VirtualBox Client with Remote Management
RemoteBox is a graphical (GTK) VirtualBox client, which lets you administer guests or virtual machines which reside on a remote server or even your local machine if desired.
sysutils/bsdhwmon-20151206 (Score: 0.009920292)
Hardware sensor monitoring utility for FreeBSD
bsdhwmon is a program for FreeBSD for monitoring hardware sensors (fans, temperatures, voltages, chassis intrusion, and more) on commerical-grade server hardware.