Ports 搜索

deskutils/ZConf-Runner-2.1.4 (Score: 8.564802E-4)
Run a file using a chosen method, desktop entry, or mimetype
A configuration system allowing for either file or LDAP backed storage. A utility is included as well, 'zcrunner'. It can be used to configure actions and run files using them.
math/coq-8.4.6 (Score: 8.558077E-4)
Theorem prover based on lambda-C
From the website: Developed in the LogiCal project, the Coq tool is a formal proof management system: a proof done with Coq is mechanically checked by the machine. In particular, Coq allows: * the definition of functions or predicates, * to state mathematical theorems and software specifications, * to develop interactively formal proofs of these theorems, * to check these proofs by a small certification "kernel". Coq is based on a logical framework called "Calculus of Inductive Constructions" extended by a modular development system for theories. Coq is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public Licence Version 2.1 (LGPL). CoqIde is installed if the x11-toolkits/ocaml-lablgtk2 port is installed.
japanese/libslang-1.4.5.j2 (Score: 8.556084E-4)
Library permits a programmer to develop software
S-Lang is an interpreted language that was designed from the start to be easily embedded into a program to provide it with a powerful extension language. S-Lang is also a programmer's library that permits a programmer to develop sophisticated platform-independent software. Takashi Mega mega@minz.org
mail/eps-1.7 (Score: 8.5465884E-4)
EPS is a Email Parsing System
EPS (Email Parsing System) is intended to give people the ability to write their own email processing tools. Whether you want to process incoming and outgoing emails, or just analyze a message, this package is intended to aid in that endeavor. Features * Written in C * API is documented * Fast and efficient Usage How we use EPS and how others use EPS * Tracking incoming and outgoing email messages based on threads * Archiving and searching against threads * Demographics collection via email * Email client * Create custom autoresponders * We even used it to parse simple LDIF files!
sysutils/gaffitter-0.6.0 (Score: 8.5443957E-4)
Binary packing utility that uses a genetic algorithm
Genetic Algorithm File Fitter, or just GAFFitter, is a command-line software written in C++ that arranges -- via a genetic algorithm -- an input list of items or files/directories into volumes of a certain capacity (target), such as CD or DVD, in a way that the total wastage is minimized. By smartly arranging the input list, GAFFitter fits better the given items and so optimizes (reduces) the number of required volumes to pack them.
devel/MooseX-Runnable-0.10 (Score: 8.5389754E-4)
Tag a class as a runnable application
MooseX::Runnable is a framework for making classes runnable applications. This role doesn't do anything other than tell the rest of the framework that your class is a runnable application that has a "run" method which accepts arguments and returns the process' exit code. This is a convention that the community has been using for a while. This role tells the computer that your class uses this convention, and let's the computer abstract away some of the tedium this entails.
graphics/pngwriter-0.5.5 (Score: 8.515272E-4)
C++ library for creating PNG images
The PNGwriter library, which requires libpng, allows you to plot to a 48-bit PNG file, saving it directly to disk. Plotting is as easy as specifying the red, green, and blue values and the x, y coordinates of the pixel. It includes functions for plotting simple geometric shapes (circle, rect, line), reading the colour of a pixel, reading in a whole PNG file (great for image analysis), plotting and reading in HSV colourspace, and many others that might come in handy.
lang/afnix-2.6.3 (Score: 8.501475E-4)
Multi-threaded functional programming language
Afnix (formerly known as Aleph) is a multi-threaded functional programming language with dynamic symbol bindings that support the object oriented paradigm. Afnix features a state of the art runtime engine that supports both 32 and 64 bits platforms. Afnix comes with a rich set of libraries that are designed to be platform independent. The Afnix engine is written in C++ and provides runtime compatibility with it. Such compatibility includes the ability to instantiate C++ classes, use virtual methods and raise or catch exceptions. A comprehensive API has been designed to ease the integration of foreign libraries. - Builtin objects - Functional programming - Object oriented - Multi-threaded engine - condition objects.
devel/XSLoader-0.22 (Score: 8.4884156E-4)
Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code
This module defines a standard simplified interface to the dynamic linking mechanisms available on many platforms. Its primary purpose is to implement cheap automatic dynamic loading of Perl modules. For a more complicated interface, see DynaLoader. Many (most) features of DynaLoader are not implemented in XSLoader, like for example the dl_load_flags, not honored by XSLoader.
japanese/qkc-1.0 (Score: 8.4884156E-4)
Quick Kanji Code Converter (C version)
Qkc is a kanji code converter capable of SHIFT-JIS, EUC and JIS. Unlike nkf, qkc can handle multiple files at a time. Qkc also has functionality to change end-of-line characters, ie, from CR+LF to LF, or to CR, and vice versa.