Ports 搜索

security/cfs-1.5.0.b (Score: 9.878739E-4)
Cryptographic file system implemented as a user-space NFS server
This is CFS, Matt Blaze's Cryptographic File System. It provides transparent encryption and decryption of selected directory trees. It is implemented as a user-level NFS server and thus does not require any kernel modifications. For an overview of how to use it, read "${PREFIX}/share/doc/cfs/notes.ms" and the manual pages. There is a paper describing CFS at: http://www.crypto.com/papers/cfs.pdf
security/libadacrypt-20151019 (Score: 9.878739E-4)
Crypto library for Ada with a nice API
This is a crypto library for Ada with a nice API and is written for the i386 and x86_64 hardware architecture. Symmetric cryptography supported: * Blockciphers: AES, Twofish, 3DES, Serpent * Hash functions: SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, Whirlpool * MACs: RMAC, HMAC, CMAC * Modes of operation: BPS, CFB, Ctr, OFB * Authenticated Encryption Schemes: OCB, SIV, McOE Assymmetric cryptography supported: * DSA signature scheme * OEAP-RSA * ECDSA, ECDH Unsigned big number library features: * Primary cyclic group arithmetic (Z_p) * Binary Field arithmetic support * Elliptic Curve arithmetic
security/Sudo-0.33 (Score: 9.878739E-4)
Perl extension for running a command line sudo
Sudo runs commands as another user, provided the system sudo implementation is setup to enable this. This does not allow running applications securely, simply it allows the programmer to run a program as another user (suid) using the sudo tools rather than suidperl. Suidperl is not generally recommended for secure operation as another user. While sudo itself is a single point tool to enable one user to execute commands as another sudo does not itself make you any more or less secure.
textproc/Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-2.40 (Score: 9.878739E-4)
Write to a cross-platform Excel binary file
The Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module can be used to create a cross-platform Excel binary file. Multiple worksheets can be added to a workbook and formatting can be applied to cells. Text, numbers, formulas, hyperlinks and images can be written to the cells. The Excel file produced by this module is compatible with Excel 5, 95, 97, 2000, 2002 and 2003, also Gnumeric and OpenOffice. This module cannot be used to write to an existing Excel file.
www/emk-sinatra-url-for-0.2.1 (Score: 9.878739E-4)
Construct absolute paths and full URLs for a Sinatra application
sinatra-url-for constructs absolute paths and full URLs for handlers in a Sinatra application. Assuming that your application is running on example.com, and that it has been mapped to /myapp, you should be able call url_for from within a handler as follows: url_for "/" # Returns "/myapp/" url_for "/foo" # Returns "/myapp/foo" url_for "/foo", :full # Returns "http://example.com/myapp/foo"
Bitstream Cyberbit is a TrueType font that covers Unicode 2.0
Bitstream Cyberbit is a TrueType font. It is an international font, containing characters from many languages. Each character is encoded with its Unicode value, according to Unicode 2.0 standards. Cyberbit was developed by Bitstream to provide Unicode Consortium members with a test font. It is therefore distributed freely to customers that need advanced multilingual fonts for testing and other non-commercial uses. Customers that wish to use Cyberbit for other purposes must license the font from Bitstream.
x11-toolkits/Tk-804.033 (Score: 9.878739E-4)
Re-port of a perl5 interface to Tk8.4
This a re-port of a perl interface to Tk8.4 (John Ousterhout's production release). Perl API is essentially the same as Tk800.025 but has not been verified as compliant. It also includes all the C code parts of Tix8.1.4 from SourceForge. The perl code corresponding to Tix's Tcl code is not fully implemented. This version (Tk804.025) is only likely to work with perl5.8+.
benchmarks/raidtest-1.3 (Score: 9.820982E-4)
Test performance of storage devices
This utility can be used to test performance of storage devices. First, one need to generate file with I/O operations: # set mediasize=`diskinfo /dev/<device> | awk '{print $3}'` # set sectorsize=`diskinfo /dev/<device> | awk '{print $2}'` # raidtest genfile -s $mediasize -S $sectorsize -n 50000 It will generate test which contains 50000 I/O requests with random size and random offset. Size is a multiple of sectorsize, but less than or equal to 128kB (maxium size of I/O request). I/O request type (READ or WRITE) is random as well. All test data are stored in 'raidtest.data' file in current working directory. To run test, one should type: # raidtest test -d /dev/<device> -n 10 This command will read test data from 'raidtest.data' file, run 10 processes which will be used to send requests to the given device in parallel. When test is finished you will see statistics: Bytes per second: <x> Requests per second: <y> If you compare performance of two storage devices, use the same data file! usage: raidtest genfile [-frw] <-s mediasize> [-S sectorsize] <-n nrequests> [file] raidtest test [-Rrw] <-d device> [-n processes] [file] where: -d device path to tested device -f if raidtest.data file or specified file already exists, remove it and create new one -n nrequests number of requests to generate -n processes number of processes to run -r generate/run only READ requests -R generate random data for write requests -s size of destination device -S sector size of destination device -w generate/run only WRITE requests file path to the data file instead of default 'raidtest.data'
www/HTTP-SimpleLinkChecker-1.163 (Score: 9.816884E-4)
Check the HTTP response code for a link
You don't have to know anything about objected-oriented Perl, LWP, or the HTTP module to be able to check your links. This module is designed for the casual user. It has one function, check_link, that returns the HTTP response code that it receives when it tries to fetch the web address passed to it. The undef value is returned for any non-HTTP failure and the $HTTP::SimpleLinkChecker::ERROR variable is set. The HEAD method is tried first, although if anything other than a good status code (those less than 400) is received, another request is made with the GET method. Note, however, that even with the best code, no module can control how servers decide to respond to a check, or control any of the myriad things that can go wrong with the network between you and the remote server. Some may filter requests based on origin IP address, user-agent type, or any other arbitrary factor. Some servers may not respond correctly at all. Furthermore, some servers might be temporarily down or overloaded. I recommend that you recheck "broken" links a couple times over a long period (like a day or two) before you decide they are really broken.
editors/beav-1.40.18 (Score: 9.798491E-4)
Binary Editor And Viewer, a full featured binary file editor
beav (Binary Editor And Viewer) is an editor for binary files containing arbitrary data. With beav, you can edit a file in HEX, ASCII, EBCDIC, OCTAL, DECIMAL, and BINARY. You can display but not edit data in FLOAT mode. You can search or search and replace in any of these modes. Data can be displayed in BYTE, WORD, or DOUBLE WORD formats. While displaying WORDS or DOUBLE WORDS the data can be displayed in INTEL's or MOTOROLA's byte ordering. Data of any length can be inserted at any point in the file. The source of this data can be the keyboard, another buffer, or a file. Any data that is being displayed can be sent to a printer in the displayed format. Files that are bigger than memory can be handled.