Ports Search

Results 1,3111,320 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.009 seconds)
irc/ii-1.7 (Score: 0.008563168)
Minimalist FIFO and filesystem-based IRC client
ii is a minimalist FIFO and filesystem-based IRC client. It creates an irc directory tree with server, channel and nick name directories. In every directory a FIFO in file and a normal out file is created. The in file is used to communicate with the servers and the out files contain the server messages. For every channel and every nick name there are related in and out files created. This allows IRC communication from command line and adheres to the Unix philosophy.
sysutils/duplicity-0.7.09 (Score: 0.008563168)
Backup tool that uses librsync and GnuPG
Duplicity backs directories by producing encrypted tar-format volumes and uploading them to a remote or local file server. Because duplicity uses librsync, the incremental archives are space efficient and only record the parts of files that have changed since the last backup. Because duplicity uses GnuPG to encrypt and/or sign these archives, they will be safe from spying and/or modification by the server.
dns/ez-ipupdate-3.0.11b8 (Score: 0.008548053)
Update your host name on any dynamic DNS service
ez-ipupdate is a small utility for updating your host name if you are using any of the following dynamic DNS services: http://gnudip.cheapnet.net (GNUDip) http://www.dhs.org http://www.dyn.ca (GNUDip) http://www.dyndns.org http://www.dyns.cx http://www.easydns.com http://www.ez-ip.net http://www.hn.org http://www.justlinux.com http://www.ods.org http://www.tzo.com http://www.zoneedit.com It is pure C and works on Linux, *BSD and Solaris. The key features are: support for multiple service types, daemon mode that monitors your IP address and only sends updates when your IP address changes.
security/doscan-0.3.3 (Score: 0.0083855055)
Tool to quickly scan your network for machines listening on a TCP port
Doscan is a tool to quickly scan your network for machines listening on a TCP port, opening thousands of TCP connections in parallel. Features High scanning rate: five to ten minutes per 100,000 addresses (which are sparsely populated with hosts), with rather conservative timeouts. Load distribution: doscan scans the addresses in a seemingly random order. If your scan host is connected to a central router, this ensures that the load is distributed across your network, and you are stress-testing just a single router, and not your edge devices. Low memory consumption: memory usage is proportional to the number of hosts which have responded so far, and to the number of parallel connections. The total number of addresses does not influence memory usage in any way. Can collect responses: doscan optionally records data which is sent by the hosts which are being scanned. You can even specify a regular expression to extract part of a server banner, and a message to send to trigger a response (great for determining HTTP server versions). Extensibility: It is possible to add special handlers for TCP-based protocols, using a straightforward interface. It supports scanning the vulnerable Microsoft DCOM implementation.
audio/lxmusic-0.4.7 (Score: 0.008318509)
LXDE music player based on xmms2
LXMusic is the minimalist music player for LXDE. This is based on xmms2, which is lightweight and has server/client design. LXMusic has very few features, it can do nothing more than just playing a list of music files.
audio/Audio-1.029 (Score: 0.008318509)
Audio manipulation routines for perl
This is the beginnings of Audio manipulation routines for perl. Currently can load or save Sun/Next .au/.snd files and play them via Network Audio Server (from ftp.x.org) or native /dev/audio on Unices.
benchmarks/postal-0.73 (Score: 0.008318509)
Benchmark SMTP/POP servers
Postal is a SMTP benchmark. Postal-list will list all the possible expansions for an account name (used for creating a list of accounts to create on your test server). Rabid is the mad Biff, it is a POP benchmark.
databases/innotop-1.11.1 (Score: 0.008318509)
MySQL and InnoDB monitoring program
innotop connects to a MySQL database server and retrieves information from it, then displays it in a manner similar to the UNIX top program. It runs on most Unix systems which have Perl, DBI, and Term::ReadKey installed.
databases/xtrabackup-2.3.5 (Score: 0.008318509)
OpenSource version of InnoDB backup with support of Percona extensions
Percona XtraBackup is OpenSource online (non-blockable) backup solution for InnoDB and XtraDB engines. It can back up data from InnoDB, XtraDB, and MyISAM tables on unmodified MySQL 5.1, 5.5 and 5.6 servers, as well as Percona Server with XtraDB.
devel/activehs-base- (Score: 0.008318509)
Basic definitions for activehs
This library consists of one module with a few definitions. It is kept small because this module has to be loaded in the interpreter many times during the runtime of the Active.hs server.