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graphics/lensfun-0.3.2 (Score: 0.007000902)
Library for fixing lens geometry distortions
The goal of the lensfun library is to provide an open source database of photographic lenses and their characteristics. In the past there was an effort in this direction (see http://www.epaperpress.com/ptlens/), but then author decided to take the commercial route and the database froze at the last public stage. This database was used as the basement on which lensfun database grew, thanks to PTLens author which gave his permission for this, while the code was totally rewritten from scratch (and the database was converted to a totally new, XML-based format). The lensfun library not only provides a way to read the lens database and search for specific things in it, but also offers a set of algorithms for correcting images based on detailed knowledge of lens properties and calibration data. Right now lensfun is designed to correct distortion, transversal (also known as lateral) chromatic aberrations, vignetting, and colour contribution of the lens (e.g. when sometimes people says one lens gives "yellowish" images and another, say, "bluish").
graphics/libEMF-1.0.7 (Score: 0.007000902)
Enhanced Metafile Library
libEMF is a C/C++ library which provides a drawing toolkit based on ECMA-234. The general purpose of this library is to create vector graphics files on POSIX systems which can be imported into StarOffice/OpenOffice.
graphics/libgltext-0.3.1 (Score: 0.007000902)
Portable font rendering library for C++
GLText is a portable font rendering library for C++ OpenGL applications. It uses FreeType2 to read and render high-quality TrueType fonts with a minimal footprint. With just a few easy lines of C++, you can add gorgeously rendered text to your graphical applications. GLText is an open source project licensed under the LGPL. Basically this means that you can use and link your application with it regardless of what license your application uses. If you make changes to GLText, however, you must make those changes open source under the LGPL. Written with portablility in mind, GLText works on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and IRIX - virtually anywhere that FreeType2 supports.
graphics/libgnomecanvasmm-2.26.0 (Score: 0.007000902)
C++ wrapper for libgnomecanvas library
libgnomecanvasmm provides C++ wrappers for libgnomecanvas, for use with gtkmm.
graphics/hugin-2016.2.0 (Score: 0.007000902)
GUI for Panorama Tools, to stitch panoramic images
A GUI for Panorama Tools, to stitch panoramic images. With hugin you can assemble a mosaic of photographs into a complete immersive panorama, stitch any series of overlapping pictures and much more.
graphics/libiptcdata-1.0.4 (Score: 0.007000902)
Library for manipulating IPTC metadata stored in image files
libiptcdata is a library, written in C, for manipulating the International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) metadata stored within multimedia files such as images. This metadata can include captions and keywords, often used by popular photo management applications. The library provides routines for parsing, viewing, modifying, and saving this metadata. The libiptcdata package also includes a command-line utility, iptc, for editing IPTC data in JPEG files.
graphics/libpano13-2.9.19 (Score: 0.007000902)
Cross-platform library behind Panorama Tools and other photo stitchers
This is the pano13 library, part of the Panorama Tools by Helmut Dersch of the University of Applied Sciences Furtwangen. Also included with the library are: - PTOptimizer, a command-line tool for optimizing control points. - panoinfo, a command-line tool for querying the library version. The panorama tools are mainly used to build panoramic images from a set of overlapping images. The usability extends beyond "just" building panoramas by far though. You can, for instance, use them to render an average of multiple images to broaden the dynamic range of the images or average out noise. You can also build object movies with them, morph between images and much more.
graphics/libpotrace-1.12 (Score: 0.007000902)
Library for transforming bitmaps into vector graphics
libpotrace is a libraru for Peter Selinger's GPLed utility for tracing bitmaps, converting them into smooth, scalable images.
graphics/libprojectM-2.0.1 (Score: 0.007000902)
Awesome music visualiser
projectM is an awesome music visualizer. There is nothing better in the world of Unix. projectM's greatness comes from the hard work of the community. Users like you can create presets that connect music with incredible visuals. Try it!
graphics/libspiro-0.5.20150702 (Score: 0.007000902)
Library to convert clothoid splines into Bezier splines
Spiro is the creation of Raph Levien. It simplifies the drawing of beautiful curves. Using bezier splines an artist can easily draw curves with the same slope on either side of an on-curve point. Spiros, on the other hand, are based on clothoid splines which make it easy to maintain constant curvature as well as constant slope. Such curves will simply look nicer. Raph Levien's spiro splines only use on-curve points and so are easier to use and more intuitive to the artist. This library will take an array of spiro control points and convert them into a series of bezier splines which can then be used in the myriad of ways the world has come to use beziers. (Above taken from Introduction on the library's website)