Ports 搜索

math/Math-FFT-1.32 (Score: 0.0010502622)
Perl module providing an interface to Fast Fourier Transform routines
The Math::FFT module provides an interface to various Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) routines of the C routine of fft4g.c; The one-dimensional data sets, of size 2^n, are assumed to be sampled at a constant rate. The FFT methods available are - cdft: Complex Discrete Fourier Transform - rdft: Real Discrete Fourier Transform - ddct: Discrete Cosine Transform - ddst: Discrete Sine Transform - dfct: Cosine Transform of RDFT (Real Symmetric DFT) - dfst: Sine Transform of RDFT (Real Symmetric DFT) as well as their inverses. The C code for the FFT routines of fft4g.c is copyrighted 1996-99 by Takuya OOURA. The file arrays.c included here to handle passing arrays to and from C comes from the PGPLOT module of Karl Glazebrook <kgb@aaoepp.aao.gov.au>. The perl interface of the Math::FTT module is Copyright 2000 by Randy Kobes <randy@theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca>, and may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
devel/Class-CodeStyler-0.27 (Score: 0.0010491182)
Perl extension for code generation program formatting and execution
Class::CodeStyler is an object oriented API to be used by code-generators in producing formatted code (Perl, C, other). The produced code file can also be syntax checked, displayed with line numbers, executed, and eval'd. Code can be inserted anywhere in the generated program using a system of bookmarks and jumps.
www/McBain-WithPSGI-2.001001 (Score: 0.0010486139)
Load a McBain API as a RESTful PSGI web service
McBain::WithPSGI turns your McBain API into a RESTful PSGI web service based on Plack, thus making McBain a web application framework. The created web service will be a JSON-in JSON-out service. Requests to your application are expected to have a Content-Type of application/json; charset=UTF-8. The JSON body of a request will be the payload. The results of the API will be formatted into JSON as well.
astro/libkgeomap-15.04.3 (Score: 0.0010476665)
KDE4 library for browsing photos on a map
Libkgeomap is a KDE4 C++ wrapper around world map components such as Marble, OpenstreetMap, and GoogleMap, for browsing and arranging photos on such maps.
news/papercut-0.9.13 (Score: 0.0010445071)
Papercut is a news server written in Python, using a MySQL backend
Papercut is a news server written in 100% pure Python. It designed to be use as backend for PHP, or to be run on a small network. Messages can be stored in a MySQL database. It doesn't support feeding.
devel/commons-daemon-1.0.15 (Score: 0.0010413554)
Wrapper code to start/stop a Java application as a daemon
Wrapper code to start/stop a Java application as a daemon. Daemon is made of 2 parts. One written in C that makes the interface to the operating system and the other in Java that provides the Daemon API.
devel/rbison-0.0.7 (Score: 0.0010413554)
Generates a Ruby parser class from a Bison-like specification file
rbison generates a Ruby parser class from a Bison-like specification file. rbison uses Bison to do all the hard work (generating state transition tables, etc), then translates the Bison-generated C code into Ruby code.
databases/casstcl-2.11 (Score: 0.0010404289)
Tcl language interface to the Cassandra database
CassTcl provides a Tcl interface to the Cassandra database using DataStax cpp-driver C/C++ API.
net/libnet-1.1.6 (Score: 0.0010388969)
C library for creating IP packets
Libnet is a high-level API (toolkit) allowing the application programmer to construct and inject network packets. It provides a portable and simplified interface for low-level network packet shaping, handling and injection. Libnet hides much of the tedium of packet creation from the application programmer such as multiplexing, buffer management, arcane packet header information, byte-ordering, OS-dependent issues, and much more. Libnet features portable packet creation interfaces at the IP layer and link layer, as well as a host of supplementary and complementary functionality. Using libnet, quick and simple packet assembly applications can be whipped up with little effort. With a bit more time, more complex programs can be written (Traceroute and ping were easily rewritten using libnet and libpcap).
net/crtmpserver-0.811 (Score: 0.00103661)
High performance RTMP/RTSP streaming server rtmpd is a high performance streaming server able to stream (live or recorded) in the following technologies: - To and from Flash (RTMP,RTMPE, RTMPS, RTMPT, RTMPTE) - To and from embedded devices: iPhone, Android - From surveillance cameras - IP-TV using MPEG-TS and RTSP/RTCP/RTP protocols Also, rtmpd can be used as a high performance rendez-vous server. For example, it enables you to do: - Audio/Video conferencing - Online gaming - Online collaboration - Simple/complex chat applications