Unicode 对一些字符的宽度定义比较模糊。软件根据上下文探测字符的宽度。然而,有些时候很难
或者无法获得其上下文。因此,这个 port 修正一些控制台软件,让他们能够识别所有的 Big5 编
码字符为双宽度。现在你可以开心地使用 UTF8 终端和 Big5 字体了 :)
这个 port 为 wcwidth(3) and wcswidth(3) 修正 zh_TW.UTF-8 locale。
bug5 is a Big5/GBK <-> UTF-8 translating layer in terminal.
It's modified from script(1).
Features that screen doesn't have:
- Autoset locale
- Unpad padded ambiguous-width characters
- ANSI-Broken Big5 (eg. Double Color) fixing
- Optional Traditional-Simplified conversion
- BSD License
- Specifying size for slave terminal + auto scrolling region setting
Features that both bug5 and screen has:
- Optional ambiguous-width characters padding
- Specify I/O conversion
你是不是有 X Windows 不认识的 TrueType 字体?可能是因为这个字体使用的编码不
是 Unicde!Open Type Organizer (oTo) 可以显示你的字体信息并通过翻译原始的
fcitx-chewing provides Chewing, an intelligent phonetic input method
engine, as a back-end to the Fcitx IM framework.
fcitx-cloudpinyin is not an input method engine. It adds candidates
from the cloud-based Pinyin services (Sogou, QQ, Baidu, Google) to any
Pinyin IMEs in Fcitx.
Fcitx is a flexible input method framework. It comes with a script,
fcitx-configtool, which looks for this configure tool and invokes it.
fcitx-sunpinyin provides SunPinyin, a statistical language model based
input method engine, as a back-end to the Fcitx IM framework.