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Results 3,2413,250 of 5,886 for /net-im/.(0.005 seconds)
math/librsb-1.2.0r4 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Sparse matrix library
librsb is a library for sparse matrix computations featuring the Recursive Sparse Blocks (RSB) matrix format. This format allows cache efficient and multi-threaded (that is, shared memory parallel) operations on large sparse matrices. The most common operations necessary to iterative solvers are available, e.g.: matrix-vector multiplication, triangular solution, rows/columns scaling, diagonal extraction / setting, blocks extraction, norm computation, formats conversion. The RSB format is especially well suited for symmetric and transposed multiplication variants. Most numerical kernels code is auto generated, and the supported numerical types can be chosen by the user at build time. librsb implements the Sparse BLAS standard, as specified in the BLAS Forum documents.
math/octave-forge-io-2.4.3 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Octave-forge package io
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project, which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus build and install scripts. This is io. Input/Output in external formats.
math/calcoo-1.3.18 (Score: 0.0070083328)
RPN and algebraic scientific calculator
Calcoo is a scientific calculator designed to provide maximum usability. The features that make Calcoo better than (at least some) other calculator programs are: * Bitmapped button labels and display digits to improve readability. * No double-function buttons. * Undo/redo buttons. * Copy/paste interaction with X clipboard. * Both RPN (reverse Polish notation) and algebraic modes are available. * Tick marks to separate thousands. * Two memory registers with displays. * Displays for Y, Z, and T registers. * It is a purely scientific calculator. Features that Calcoo lacks: * Statistical mode. * HEX mode.
math/algae-4.3.6 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Programming language for numerical analysis
Algae is a programming language for numerical analysis. It was written in the Boeing Company to fulfill their need for a fast and versatile tool, capable of handling large systems. Algae has been applied to interesting problems in aerospace and related fields for more than a decade.
math/aspcud-1.9.1 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Advanced solver for package dependencies
Aspcud is a solver for package dependencies. A package universe and a request to install, remove, or upgrade packages have to be encoded in the CUDF format. Such a CUDF document can then be passed to aspcud along with an optimization criteria to obtain a solution to the given package problem.
math/asymptote-2.37 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Powerful script-based vector graphics language
Asymptote is a powerful script-based vector graphics language that provides a natural coordinate-based framework for technical drawing. Labels and equations are typeset with LaTeX, for high-quality PostScript output. A major advantage of Asymptote over other graphics packages is that it is a programming language, as opposed to just a graphics program: it can therefore exploit the best features of script (command-driven) and graphical user interface (GUI) methods.
math/biggles-1.6.6 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Create publication-quality 2D scientific plots
Biggles is a Python module for creating publication-quality 2D scientific plots. It supports multiple output formats (postscript, x11, png, svg, gif), understands simple TeX, and sports a high-level, elegant interface. It's intended for technical users with sophisticated plotting needs. The goal is to produce the best scriptable plotting program.
math/octave-forge-cgi-0.1.2 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Octave-forge package cgi
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project, which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus build and install scripts. This is cgi. Common Gatway Interface for Octave.
math/chryzodus-0.32 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Chryzode (http//www.chryzode.org) explorer
Chryzodus is a cross-platform graphical program drawing beautiful and colorful chryzodes. If you do not know what chryzodes are, take a look at http://www.chryzode.org/. Then you will be able to explore the world of chryzodes by yourself using Chryzodus. But one does not even need to know much about chryzodes to use Chryzodus and see beautiful images appear on the screen!
math/octave-forge-queueing-1.2.4 (Score: 0.0070083328)
Octave-forge package queueing
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project, which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus build and install scripts. This is queueing. The queueing toolbox provides functions for queueing networks and Markov chains analysis. This package can be used to compute steady-state performance measures for open, closed and mixed networks with single or multiple job classes. Mean Valud Analysis (MVA), convolution and various bounding techniques are implemented. Various transient and steady-state performance measures for Markov chains can als be computed (including state occupancy probabilities, mean time to absorption, time-averaged sojourn times), both for continuous-time and discrete-time chains.