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devel/Term-Size-Any-0.002 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Retrieve terminal size
Term::Size::Any is a unified interface to retrieve terminal size. It loads one module of a list of known alternatives, each implementing some way to get the desired terminal information. This loaded module will actually do the job on behalf of Term::Size::Any.
devel/Test-CPAN-Meta-0.25 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Validate your CPAN META.yml files
Test::CPAN::Meta was written to ensure that a META.yml file, provided with a standard distribution uploaded to CPAN, meets the specifications that are slowly being introduced to module uploads, via the use of package makers and installers such as ExtUtils::MakeMaker, Module::Build and Module::Install.
devel/Test-ClassAPI-1.06 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Provides basic first-pass API testing for large class trees
For many APIs with large numbers of classes, it can be very useful to be able to do a quick once-over to make sure that classes, methods, and inheritance is correct, before doing more comprehensive testing. This module aims to provide such a capability.
devel/Test-Exception-0.43 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Test functions for exception based code
This module provides a few convenience methods for testing exception based code. It is built with Test::Builder and plays happily with Test::Simple, Test::More and friends. If you are not familiar with Test::Simple or Test::More now would be the time to go take a look.
devel/rngtools-1.2.4 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Utility functions for working with Random Number Generators
This package contains a set of functions for working with Random Number Generators (RNGs). In particular, it defines a generic S4 framework for getting/setting the current RNG, or RNG data that are embedded into objects for reproducibility. Notably, convenient default methods greatly facilitate the way current RNG settings can be changed.
devel/acsccid-1.1.2 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
PC/SC driver for CS CCID smart card readers
acsccid is a PC/SC driver for Linux/Mac OS X and it supports ACS CCID smart card readers. This library provides a PC/SC IFD handler implementation and communicates with the readers through the PC/SC Lite resource manager (pcscd).
devel/Test-Parser-1.9 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Parsing log files from test runs, and displays in an XML syntax
This module serves as a common base class for test log parsers. These tools are intended to be able to parse output from a wide variety of tests - including non-Perl tests. The parsers also write the test data into the 'Test Result Publication Interface' (TRPI) XML schema, developed by SpikeSource. See http://www.spikesource.com/testresults/index.jsp?show=trpi-schema
devel/Test-Trap-0.3.2 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Trap exit codes, exceptions, output, etc
Test::Trap is primarily (but not exclusively) for use in test scripts: a block eval on steroids, configurable and extensible, but by default trapping (Perl) STDOUT, STDERR, warnings, exceptions, would-be exit codes, and return values from boxed blocks of test code. The values collected by the latest trap can then be queried or tested through a special trap object.
devel/aliased-0.31 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Use shorter versions of class names
aliased is simple in concept but is a rather handy module. It loads the class you specify and exports into your namespace a subroutine that returns the class name. You can explicitly alias the class to another name or, if you prefer, you can do so implicitly. In the latter case, the name of the subroutine is the last part of the class name.
devel/boolean-0.45 (Score: 1.762358E-4)
Boolean support for Perl
Most programming languages have a native "Boolean" data type. Perl does not. Perl has a simple and well known Truth System. The following scalar values are false: @false = (undef, 0, 0.0, '', '0'); Every other scalar value is true. This module provides basic Boolean support, by defining two special objects: "true" and "false".