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finance/trytond28_party-2.8.1 (Score: 0.018592685)
Tryton Application Platform (Party Module)
trytond_party is the party module for trytond. The party module defines the concepts of party, category and contact mechanism. It also comes with reports to print labels and letters and a Check VIES wizard.
www/searchstatus-1.39 (Score: 0.018592685)
Displays Google PageRank, Alexa popularity and other stats
For every site you visit using Firefox or Mozilla, SearchStatus lets you view its Google PageRank, Google Category, Alexa popularity ranking, Alexa incoming links, Alexa related links and backward links from Google, Yahoo! and MSN - all in one place.
x11/hotwire-shell-0.721 (Score: 0.018592685)
Object-oriented hypershell
Hotwire is an object-oriented hypershell. It is a shell designed for systems programming (files, processes), and thus it is in the same conceptual category of software as the Unix shell+terminal and Windows PowerShell.
devel/adabooch-20160321 (Score: 0.016101737)
Ada 95 Booch Components
The Ada 95 Booch components are a port of Grady Booch's C++ components. They contain the same key abstractions as the C++ form (Structs, Tools and Support). However, the organization is slightly different, particularly in the Support domain. This is because Ada 95 provides several special forms of memory management that are quite different from C++. The Structs category provides an array of structural abstractions (Bags, Collections, Deques, Graphs, Lists, Maps, Queues, Rings, Sets, Stacks, and Trees). The Tools category provides algorithmic abstractions (Searching, Sorting, etc.). The Support category contains all the "concrete" forms, plus structures to create the components. Some of the structures permit structural sharing (graphs, lists, and trees). Some structures may also be ordered (collections, dequeues, and queues). There are also multiple forms for some structures: single and double linked lists, directed and undirected graphs, and binary, multiway, and AVL trees.
ftp/urlgfe-0.7.1 (Score: 0.014874148)
Download manager
UrlGfe is a download manager. List of features: - user can classify URLs before downloading - every category has independent of configuration that can be inherited by download - batch mode can generate URLs - supports import URLs from .html files - supports export URLs ( for wget -i )
ports-mgmt/portsearch-1.3.4 (Score: 0.014874148)
Port searching tool that supports search by packing list files
Portsearch allows searching for ports that install some file, like ``find /usr/ports -name pkg-plist |xargs grep pattern'' but honoring PLIST_(FILES|DIRS) and %%FOOBAR%% variables. It also supports searching for ports by name, key (name, comment or dependencies), path, info (comment), maintainer, category, fetch, extract, patch, build and run dependencies and www site.
cad/FreeCAD-0.17.g20160907 (Score: 0.011155611)
General purpose 3D CAD modeller
FreeCAD is a general purpose parametric 3D modeler. FreeCAD is aimed directly at mechanical engineering and product design but also fits in a wider range of uses around engineering, such as architecture or other engineering specialties. FreeCAD features tools similar to Catia, SolidWorks or Solid Edge, and therefore also falls into the category of MCAD, PLM, CAx and CAE. It is a feature based parametric modeler with a modular software architecture which makes it easy to provide additional functionality without modifying the core system. FreeCAD is under heavy development and might not be ready for production use.
devel/git-2.9.2 (Score: 0.011155611)
Distributed source code management tool with FreeBSD subversion bindings
GIT is a "directory content manager" designed to handle absolutely massive projects with speed and efficiency, and the release of the 2.6.12 (and later) versions of the Linux kernel as well as more and more other projects switching to it would indicate that it does this task well. GIT falls in the category of distributed source code management tools, similar to e.g. GNU Arch or Monotone (or, in the commercial world, BitKeeper). Every GIT working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access to a central server. This version provides the necessary bindings to interact with a subversion repository.
net-mgmt/nagstamon-1.0 (Score: 0.011155611)
Nagios status monitor for your desktop
Nagstamon is a Nagios status monitor for the desktop. It connects to multiple Nagios, Icinga, Opsview, Centreon, Op5 Monitor/Ninja and Check_MK Multisite monitoring servers and resides in systray or as a floating statusbar at the desktop showing a brief summary of critical, warning, unknown, unreachable and down hosts and services and pops up a detailed status overview when moving the mouse pointer over it. Connecting to displayed hosts and services is easily established by context menu via SSH, RDP and VNC. Users can be notified by sound. Hosts and services can be filtered by category and regular expressions.
graphics/jalbum-10.10.7 (Score: 0.009296343)
Web photo album generator
This photo gallery software makes web albums of your digital images. JAlbum aims to be the easiest to use and most powerful tool in this category - and free! JAlbum is written after numerous disappointments with existing photo gallery software. With JAlbum you have full control of the look of the generated album, not just color theme and basic layout, still making an album is just a matter of drag and drop + a button click if you prefer to use one of the many existing looks. JAlbum will process your images, make index pages and slide show pages and even upload the final album to the Internet for your friends to see. No extra software is needed to view the albums, -just your web browser. Unlike "server side" album scripts, JAlbum albums can be served from a plain web server without scripting support. You can also share your albums on CD-ROM.