Ports 搜索

www/jetty-9.3.9 (Score: 0.025021832)
Full-featured web server implemented entirely in Java
The Jetty Web Server provides an HTTP server and Servlet container capable of serving static and dynamic content either from a standalone or embedded instantiations. From jetty-7, the jetty webserver and other core compoments are hosted by the eclipse foundation. The project provides: * Asynchronous HTTP Server * Standard based Servlet Container * Web Sockets server * Asynchronous HTTP Client * OSGi, JNDI, JMX, JASPI, AJP support
www/g-cows-1.12 (Score: 0.025021832)
Scripting language for creation of web sites
This is a port of G-Cows, a software project consisting in: - definition of a scripting language designed for creation of web sites (Cows); - interpreter for the scripting language (cows); - a makefile generator (cows-mkgen). Cows is a scripting language whose main goal is to make the creation and updating of a web site faster, more flexible and less prone to errors without relying on server-side technologies. Cows allows to use your Unix background and your favorite tools while creating a site: you can traverse the whole directory tree with `find', extract informations with `grep', build complex pipelines, include external scripts and programs written in every language whose interpreter or compiler is installed on your system. Even if you use server side technology, you can still appreciate Cows for every task not relying on dynamic change of your site's contents mixing Cows, PHP, custom Apache modules, application servers etc. Cows gives the best results when used in conjunction with the Make utility, available on all Unix systems.
www/hinventory-client-1.2.5 (Score: 0.025021832)
H-Inventory Client for FreeBSD
This is the FreeBSD client for the h-inventory Web application. This is a sh script that creates an XML file and can upload it. You will obtain the hardware/software on your FreeBSD computer.
www/ljdeps-1.0 (Score: 0.025021832)
Meta-port to install all the perl modules used by LiveJournal
LiveJournal is an open source content management system, written mainly in Perl and utilizing MySQL as a database backend. By itself, it serves as a powerful content updating system. In other uses, it is the framework application behind many successful online communities, including LiveJournal.com and DeadJournal.com. ljdeps is a meta-port which installs all of the perl modules needed by LiveJournal.
www/firefox-45.4.0 (Score: 0.025021832)
Web browser based on the browser portion of Mozilla
Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source web browser descended from the Mozilla Application Suite. It is small, fast and easy to use, and offers many advanced features: o Popup Blocking o Tabbed Browsing o Live Bookmarks (ie. RSS) o Extensions o Themes o FastFind o Improved Security
www/midori-0.5.11 (Score: 0.025021832)
Lightweight web browser using WebKit browser engine
Midori is a lightweight web browser. * Full integration with GTK+2/GTK+3. * Fast rendering with WebKit. * Tabs, windows and session management. * Bookmarks are stored with XBEL. * Searchbox based on OpenSearch. * Custom context menu actions. * User scripts and customized keyboard support. * Extensible via Vala scripts.
www/libecap-1.0.1 (Score: 0.025021832)
Library for module based network content analysis
eCAP is a software interface that allows a network application, such as an HTTP proxy or an ICAP server, to outsource content analysis and adaptation to a loadable module.
www/libwww-5.4.0 (Score: 0.025021832)
The W3C Reference Library
The W3C Reference Library is a general code base that can be used to build clients and servers. It contains code for accessing HTTP, FTP, Gopher, News, WAIS, Telnet servers, and the local file system. Furthermore it provides modules for parsing, managing and presenting hypertext objects to the user and a wide spectra of generic programming utilities. The Library is the basis for many World-Wide Web applications and all the W3C software is build on top of it. The Library is a required part of all other W3C applications in this distribution.
www/mod_mono-3.12 (Score: 0.025021832)
Apache module for serving ASP.NET applications
An Apache module that ties Mono's XSP and Apache together.
www/wt-3.3.6 (Score: 0.025021832)
Widget-centric C++ library for developing web applications
Wt (pronounced as witty) is a C++ library for developing web applications. The API is widget-centric and uses well-tested patterns of desktop GUI development tailored to the web. To the developer, it offers abstraction of many web-specific implementation details, including client-server protocols (HTTP, Ajax, WebSockets), and frees the developer from tedious JavaScript manipulations of HTML and dealing with cross-browser issues. Instead, with Wt, you can focus on actual functionality with a rich set of feature-complete widgets. Unlike old-school page-based frameworks or current-day single-page JavaScript "frameworks", Wt allows you to create stateful applications that are at the same time highly interactive (using WebSockets and Ajax for everything) but still support plain HTML browsers or web crawlers using automatic graceful degradation or progressive enhancement. Things that are natural and simple with Wt would require an impractical amount of development effort otherwise: switching widgets using animations, while retaining clean URLs and browser navigation functions, or having a persistent chat widget open throughout the entire application, that even works in legacy browsers like Microsoft Internet Explorer 6. The library comes with an application server that acts as a stand-alone Http(s)/WebSocket server or integrates through FastCGI with other web servers.