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Results 3,6813,690 of 5,824 for /net/.(0.006 seconds)
sysutils/BackupPC-XS-0.30 (Score: 0.01987111)
Perl extension for BackupPC libraries
BackupPC::XS implements various BackupPC functions in a perl-callable module. This module is required for BackupPC V4+.
sysutils/backuppc-4.0.0.a3 (Score: 0.01987111)
Multi-platform backup to disk-based storage
BackupPC is a fast, enterprise-grade backup system. It provides a web-based user interface. It supports several platforms (Unix-like, Windows, MacOSX) to backup to a disk-based storage. No client-side software is necessary, as the BackupPC server uses several protocols (smb, rsync, tar and ftp) native to the client OS. File-level deduplication combined with optional compression minimizes the disk space needed to store the backups and disk I/O and enables synthetic backups to reduce network traffic. BackupPC is not a block-level backup system but performs file-based backup and restore. Thus it is not suitable for backup of disk images or raw disk partitions. BackupPC supports laptop environments with clients on dynamic IP addresses (DHCP) not always connected to the network.
sysutils/backuppc-3.3.1 (Score: 0.01987111)
Multi-platform backup to disk-based storage
BackupPC is a fast, enterprise-grade backup system. It provides a web-based user interface. It supports several platforms (Unix-like, Windows, MacOSX) to backup to a disk-based storage. No client-side software is necessary, as the BackupPC server uses several protocols (smb, rsync, tar and ftp) native to the client OS. File-level deduplication combined with optional compression minimizes the disk space needed to store the backups and disk I/O and enables synthetic backups to reduce network traffic. BackupPC is not a block-level backup system but performs file-based backup and restore. Thus it is not suitable for backup of disk images or raw disk partitions. BackupPC supports laptop environments with clients on dynamic IP addresses (DHCP) not always connected to the network.
sysutils/mountapp-3.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Windowmaker application, Resembles wmmount with extra functionality
mount.app - WindowMaker dock app
sysutils/bsdconfig-0.9.0 (Score: 0.01987111)
Utility to configure various aspects of FreeBSD
bsdconfig is a robust utility for configuring/managing various aspects of the FreeBSD Operating System. Feature-highlights include (but are not limited to): - Modular, stable, efficient and i18n-compatible. - Easily maintained/extendable sh(1) source/syntax. - Works with both dialog(1) in base and Xdialog(1) from ports (x11/xdialog). - Package management module loosely based on sysinstall but much improved. - rc.conf(5) configuration/management based on sysutils/sysrc. - Timezone configuration based on sysutils/tzdialog. - Networking management based on sysutils/host-setup.
sysutils/mybashburn-1.0.2 (Score: 0.01987111)
Ncurses CD burning bash script
What's MyBashBurn? Basically, it is no more than a Terminal User Interface (TUI) frontend based of the CD burning shell script called BashBurn for GNU/Linux; this originally does not have the best eye-candy CD-burning UI, nevertheless, MyBashBurn uses dialog boxes/functions which draws (using ncurses) windows onto the screen. MyBashBurn dialog boxes offer good functionality, and has very good capabilities of automatically finding dependencies and auto detecting devices CD/DVD RW. In short, do not reinvent the wheel - just let MyBashBurn do what you want it to do.
sysutils/n98-magerun-1.97.12 (Score: 0.01987111)
CLI tool for inspection and control of Magento installations
Provides some handy tools for magento developers like a quick database info from local.xml or a database dump feature, cache clearing, admin user password reset. You can also easily install a complete shop and sample data with buildin installer. For coders there are also many features like a module kickstarter (with modman support).
sysutils/openipmi-2.0.21 (Score: 0.01987111)
Complex IPMI management software
OpenIPMI was designed to aid building "complex IPMI management software". OpenIPMI library will connect with an IPMI controller, detect any management controllers on the bus, get their SDRs, manage all the entities in the system, manage the event log, and a host of other things. OpenIPMI is also dynamic and event-driven. It will come up and start discovering things in the managed system. As it discovers things, it will report them to the software using it (assuming the software has asked for this reporting).
sysutils/pbimaker-1.3 (Score: 0.01987111)
Program to convert ports into PBI modules
The Make-A-PBI program takes a port from the FreeBSD Ports tree and creates from it a PBI module. This module can then be used to create PBI packages. Make-A-PBI automates most aspects of the module creating process, setting up the required files and directories and collecting information from the port.
sysutils/bamf-0.5.3 (Score: 0.01987111)
BAMF Application Matching Framework
BAMF, is a simple DBus daemon and C wrapper library of applications matching framework.