Ports 搜索

www/POE-Filter-HTTP-Parser-1.08 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
HTTP POE filter for HTTP clients or servers
POE::Filter::HTTP::Parser is a POE::Filter for HTTP which is based on HTTP::Parser. It can be used to easily create POE based HTTP servers or clients.
www/Session-Storage-Secure-0.010 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Perl extension for encrypted, serialized session data with integrity
This module implements a secure way to encode session data. It is primarily intended for storing session data in browser cookies, but could be used with other backend storage where security of stored session data is important.
www/WWW-Comic-1.06 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Retrieve comic strip images
This module will download cartoon comic strip images from various websites and return a binary blob of the image, or write it to disk. Multiple comic strips can be supported through subclassed plugin modules.
www/django-htmlmin-0.9.1 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
HTML minifier for Python
django-html is an HTML minifier for Python, with full support for HTML 5. It supports Django, Flask and many other Python web frameworks. It also provides a command line tool, that can be used for static websites or deployment scripts.
www/kwebkitpart-1.3.2 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Web browser component for KDE SC based on QtWebKit
KWebKitPart is a web browser component for KDE SC (KPart). You can use it for example for browsing the web in Konqueror. KWebKitPart is still in early development and thus not guaranteed to be in production quality yet.
www/formencode-1.3.0 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
HTML form validation, generation, and conversion package
FormEncode is a validation and form generation package. The validation can be used separately from the form generation. The validation works on compound data structures, with all parts being nestable. It is separate from HTTP or any other input mechanism.
www/plone.transformchain-1.1.0 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Hook into repoze.zope2 for third party packages
Hook into repoze.zope2 that allows third party packages to register a sequence of hooks that will be allowed to modify the response before it is returned to the browser.
www/ws4py-0.3.4 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
WebSocket package for Python
ws4py is a Python package implementing the WebSocket protocol as defined in RFC 6455. It provides client and server implementations alike that can be using different techniques like threads, micro-threads, or event loops.
www/rsskit-0.4 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Etoile Project RSSKit framework
RSSKit is a simple library for reading the different types of RSS file formats. It is mainly used by RSSReader.app and will hopefully soon be used by PlopFolio by Ludovic Marcotte.
www/simple-rss-1.3.1 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader for Ruby
Simple RSS is a simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader for Ruby. It is designed to be backwards compatible with the standard RSS parser, but will never do RSS generation.