Ports 搜索

devel/grizzled-0.9.4 (Score: 0.011843925)
The Grizzled Python Utility Library
The Grizzled Utility Library is a general-purpose Python library with a variety of different modules and packages. It's roughly organized into subpackages that group different kinds of utility functions and classes.
devel/grouch-0.4 (Score: 0.011843925)
System for describing and enforcing a Python object schema
Grouch is a system for describing and enforcing a Python object schema. That is, it provides you with a language for describing the intended type signatures of your objects (collectively, the "object schema"), and tools to walk an object graph, checking that every value found matches your object schema. An object schema describes every class in a collection of objects -- in particular, it specifies the type of every instance attribute of every class. Grouch includes a type language for specifying attribute types, a tool to parse specially-formatted class docstrings and output a complete object schema, and another tool for walking a persistent object graph and ensuring that every scrap of data in it conforms to the object schema extracted from your class docstrings. The API for defining, querying, and enforcing types is fairly complete and well-documented, so you can use Grouch's type system in other ways as well.
devel/simpletal-4.3 (Score: 0.011843925)
Stand alone TAL Python implementation to power HTML & XML templates
SimpleTAL is a stand alone Python implementation of the TAL, TALES and METAL specifications used in Zope to power HTML and XML templates. SimpleTAL is an independent implementation of TAL; there are no dependencies on Zope nor is any of the Zope work re-used.
devel/logilab-common-1.2.2 (Score: 0.011843925)
Common low-level libraries shared among logilab projects
The package logilab.common contains several modules providing low level functionalities shared among some python projects developed by logilab.
devel/tconfpy-2.112 (Score: 0.011843925)
Python Configuration File Parser
'tconfpy' is an advanced configuration file parser and validator for Python programs. By using 'tconfpy', Python programmers can provide their users with an external configuration file for setting program options, defining defaults, and so on. 'tconfpy' offloads the responsibility for parsing and validating a configuration file from the main application. The Python programmer need only deal with the results and any errors or warnings generated during the parsing process.
devel/mercurialserver-1.2.0 (Score: 0.011843925)
Software for hosting mercurial repositories
mercurial-server gives your developers remote read/write access to centralized Mercurial repositories using SSH public key authentication; it provides convenient and fine-grained key management and access control. All of the repositories controlled by mercurial-server are owned by a single user (the "hg" user in what follows), but many remote users can act on them, and different users can have different permissions. We don't use file permissions to achieve that - instead, developers log in as the "hg" user when they connect to the repository host using SSH, using SSH URLs of the form "ssh://hg@repository-host/repository-name". A restricted shell prevents them from using this access for unauthorized purposes. Developers are authenticated only using SSH keys; no other form of authentication is supported. To give a user access to the repository, place their key in an appropriately-named subdirectory of "/usr/lcoal/etc/mercurialserver/keys" and run "refresh-auth". You can then control what access they have to what repositories by editing the control file "/usr/local/etc/mercurialserver/access.conf", which can match the names of these keys against a glob pattern. For convenient remote control of access, you can instead (if you have the privileges) make changes to a special repository called "hgadmin", which contains its own "access.conf" file and "keys" directory. Changes pushed to this repository take effect immediately. The two "access.conf" files are concatenated, and the keys directories merged.
devel/olefile-0.43 (Score: 0.011843925)
Python module to read MS OLE2 files
olefile (formerly OleFileIO_PL) is a Python module to read/write Microsoft OLE2 files (also called Structured Storage, Compound File Binary Format or Compound Document File Format), such as Microsoft Office 97-2003 documents, Image Composer and FlashPix files, Outlook messages, StickyNotes, several Microscopy file formats, McAfee antivirus quarantine files, etc.
devel/wsgiutils-0.7 (Score: 0.011843925)
Utility libraries for development of simple WSGI programs
WSGIUtils is a package of standalone utility libraries that ease the development of simple WSGI programs. The package is divided into two main components which can be used individually or in combination. wsgiServer is a multi-threaded WSGI web server based on SimpleHTTPServer. wsgiAdaptor is a simple WSGI application that provides basic authentication, signed cookies and persistent sessions.
devel/pycerberus-0.6 (Score: 0.011843925)
Highly flexible, no magic input validation library
Pycerberus is a framework to check user data thoroughly so that you can protect your application from malicious (or just garbled) input data. * Remove stupid code which converts input values: After values are validated, you can work with real Python types instead of strings - e.g. 42 instead of '42', convert database IDs to model objects transparently. * Implement custom validation rules: Writing custom validators is straightforward, everything is well documented and pycerberus only uses very little Python magic. * Focus on your value-adding application code: Save time by implementing every input validation rule only once, but 100% right instead of implementing a dozen different half-baked solutions. * Ready for global business: i18n support (based on GNU gettext) is built in, adding custom translations is easy. * Tune it for your needs: You can implement custom behavior in your validators, e.g. fetch translations from a database instead of using gettext or define custom translations for built-in validators. * Use it wherever you like: pycerberus is used in a SMTP server, trac macros as well as web applications - there are no dependecies on a specific context like web development.
devel/assistant-4.11.4 (Score: 0.011843925)
Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit, QtAssistant module
PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for Digia's Qt4 application framework. This package provides the QtAssistant module.