Ports 搜索

devel/Sub-Prototype-0.02 (Score: 0.0015004935)
Set a sub's prototype
Set a subs prototype
devel/interface-1.3 (Score: 0.001496859)
Python implementation of an Erlang node
The Py-Interface is a python-implementation of an Erlang node. The py_interface provides the possibility to create a node that may be used for communication with other Erlang nodes. Some characteristics: o The Python nodes are hidden, like the Java nodes o The Python node supports - registering the Python node in the epmd - sending and receiving message - executing remote procedure calls (the rpc:call(M,F,A) mechanism) o The Python node does currently not do: - linking - tracing o The Python node translates Erlang types to Python types as far as there is a reasonable Python counterpart. If there is not, then a class is used. o The Python node is a single threaded callback-driven process. o The Python node runs on Python 2.5 and Erlang R12. It may well still work with older version of both Python and Erlang. Development started on Python 1.5 and Erlang R7.
textproc/XML-Handler-Dtd2Html-0.42 (Score: 0.0014895622)
SAX2 handler for generate a Html documentation from a DTD
SAX2 handler for generate a HTML documentation from a DTD
textproc/colorator-0.1 (Score: 0.0014895622)
Colorize your text in a terminal with a simple API
Colorize your text in a terminal with a simple API
Return a new instance a component on each request
Return a new instance a component on each request
www/Catalyst-Model-Adaptor-0.10 (Score: 0.0014895622)
Use a plain class as a Catalyst model
use a plain class as a Catalyst model
www/SlideShowPlugin-0.0.17261 (Score: 0.0014895622)
Convert a topic with headings into a slideshow
This plugin converts a topic with headings into a slideshow.
devel/JSON-Schema-0.016 (Score: 0.0014745916)
Validate JSON against a schema
Validate JSON against a schema.
textproc/print-n-times-1.0 (Score: 0.0014745916)
Print a string (n) times
Print a string (n) times
games/blackshadeselite-0.0.1 (Score: 0.0014677523)
Psychic Bodyguard FPS - protect the VIP
Black Shades Elite is an action game that is more or less similar to the original Black Shades "Psychic Bodyguard FPS". Kill anyone that tries to kill the VIP (the white guy). The psychic part is seeing blue lines when bad guys line up on the VIP (when the line is red they are about to shoot). Other powers (slow down, and visions) are available - press F1 for how to use. It has a few more user friendly options (in the ~/blackshades.config file) as well as a help menu. Aside from that the internals have had some major changes, but there is still a lot more to do. Other options include 3rd person (which was in the original game, just disabled). The other change that I enjoy is the lack of a busy loop - now cpu usage isn't 100% - on any recent system it should be less than 25%. Feature and bug reports are encouraged. I'm sure it's buggy. Enjoy.