This plugin lets you import into Trac a series of tickets from a CSV
file or (if the xlrd library is installed) from an Excel file.
You can also use it to modify tickets in batch, by saving a report as
CSV, editing the CSV file, and re-importing the tickets.
This plugin is very useful when starting a new project: you can import a
list of requirements that may have come from meeting notes, list of
features, other ticketing systems... It's also great to review the
tickets off-line, or to do massive changes to tickets.
Based on the ticket id (or, if no id exists, on the summary) in the
imported file, tickets are either created or updated.
TicketTemplate enable users to create ticket using templates
which can be customized by Trac administrator and themselves.
This is a plugin that adds (aspires to add) estimation and time
tracking to Trac. This basically adds CustomFields and CustomReports
and an interface for filling the dynamic variables for the report
(requires Javascript).
The TocMacro generates a table of contents for the current page or a set of
This plugin extends attachments list in Trac.
Drag-and-drop to attach files using HTML5 drag-and-drop,
XMLHttpRequest Level 2 and File API.
Progress bar while uploading the files using XMLHttpRequest
Level 2.
More than one file for selecting attachment files.
Attach an image from clipboard.
Auto-submit on select a file to attach.
This plugin implements a Javascript deployment platform, enabling
Trac administrators to easily tweak Trac pages with Javascript
The plugin supports the Trac web admin system, and it can apply
Javascript tweaks to multiple pages by matching their names with
regular expressions.
This plugin adds a context-navigation entry that lets users easily vote
for a Trac resource, including Wiki pages, tickets, milestones, etc.
If a user has a valid session and the VOTE_MODIFY permission they will
be able to vote.
This plug-in adds a watchlist for wikis and tickets.
Every logged-in user can watch any wikis and ticket.
The watchlist is provided under [/watchlist] which
is also added to the main navigation bar.
This plugin extends the Trac Wiki in several ways:
- Support for displaying smileys;
- HTML 4.0 entities (named entities and numerical entities);
- Automatic replacement of common text idioms by their corresponding symbols
(e.g. arrows, fractions, etc.);
- Simplified markup for single words: *this* /is/ _important_;
- Replace <name@domain> with "mailto:" links (obfuscated if needed)
(0.11 only - though that's now in Trac core);
- Replace \\... UNC paths with "file:///" links (0.11 only);
Each feature can be disabled individually if needed.
Trac Wiki Notification is a plugin that allows users (even anonymous,
as long as email is set) to select wiki pages that they wish to be
notified (by email) when a change occurs on it.