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Results 2,9212,930 of 5,824 for /net/.(0.009 seconds)
graphics/gwenview-4.14.3 (Score: 0.01987111)
Image viewer and browser for KDE 4
Gwenview is a fast and easy to use image viewer for KDE. Features: - Supports simple image manipulations: rotate, mirror, flip, and resize. - Supports basic file management actions such as copy, move, delete, and others. - Functions both as a standalone application and an embedded viewer in the Konqueror web browser. - Can be extended using KIPI plugins.
graphics/cthumb-4.2 (Score: 0.01987111)
Themeable web picture album generator
cthumb - a themable web picture album generator cthumb is a command-line program that allows you to create an web picture album, with an index and several pages, each with thumbnails of your pictures. It optionally generates otherwise identical pages but in several languages, simultaneously. It automatically generates thumbnails of the pictures. It attempts to be nice in the look of the pages it generates. It is geared towards people that have ton of digital images that need to be labeled, grouped, captioned and sorted out. All you need is the pictures and a text editor to put all the captions for the picture in a simple "album" textfile.
graphics/curator-2.1 (Score: 0.01987111)
Static Image Gallery Generator for web or CD-ROM galleries
Curator is a powerful script that allows one to generate web page image galleries with the intent of displaying photographic images on the Web, or for a CD-ROM presentation or archiving. It generates static web pages only - no special configuration or running scripts are required on the server. The script supports many file formats, hierarchical directories, thumbnail generation and update, per-image description file with any attributes, and 'tracks' of images spanning multiple directories.
graphics/danpei-2.9.7 (Score: 0.01987111)
Image Viewer for X Window System with thumbnail preview feature
Danpei is a Gtk+ based Image Viewer, works on X Window Sysytem. Features: o File operations like Windows Explorer o View image files with thumbnail format o View/Edit image files with your favorite applications (ImageMagick, Gimp etc) o Cache displayed images o Print out images
graphics/glew-1.5.1 (Score: 0.01987111)
OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (Linux Fedora 10)
The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (GLEW) is a cross-platform open-source C/C++ extension loading library. GLEW provides efficient run-time mechanisms for determining which OpenGL extensions are supported on the target platform. OpenGL core and extension functionality is exposed in a single header file. GLEW has been tested on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Irix, and Solaris. This is the linux verson.
graphics/devil-1.7.8 (Score: 0.01987111)
Full featured cross-platform image library
Developer's Image Library (DevIL) is a programmer's library to develop applications with very powerful image loading capabilities, yet is easy for a developer to learn and use. Ultimate control of images is left to the developer, so unnecessary conversions, etc. are not performed. DevIL utilizes a simple, yet powerful, syntax. DevIL can load, save, convert, manipulate, filter and display a wide variety of image formats. Currently, DevIL can load and save many different image formats. DevIL currently supports the following APIs for display: OpenGL, Windows GDI, SDL, DirectX and Allegro. Compilers that can compile DevIL or use it include Djgpp, MSVC++, gcc, Delphi, Visual Basic, Power Basic and Dev-C++. Many people may have known DevIL as OpenIL, but the name was changed due to SGI's request.
graphics/diacanvas2-0.15.4 (Score: 0.01987111)
General drawing canvas from dia dialog editor
DiaCanvas is in its second incarnation: DiaCanvas2. Aiming towards future computing needs on GNOME based desktop environments, DiaCanvas2 is providing you with a full featured diagramming canvas: - Model/View/Controller based design: The DiaCanvas class only holds abstract data (using DiaShape objects), the data is rendered by one or more DiaCanvasView's. - Usage of the widely used GnomeCanvas for visualization. This makes it easy to let DiaCanvas2 display anti-aliased diagrams with translucency (alpha) support. - Export facilities for GnomePrint and SVG. - Objects can be rotated/sheared/resized/etc. without the need to recalculate shapes. DiaCanvas relies heavily on the LibArt library (which is a standard GNOME library). - Objects can connect to each other with handles. The connection is represented as a mathematical equation, which is solved using a real linear constraint solver (see the reference documentation for more info). Handles do not need predefined connection points, but can connect to each other in a more generic way. - Of course DiaCanvas2 has all the features a modern application needs, including undo/redo and copy/paste functionality (copying is not implemented yet).
graphics/ditaa-0.9 (Score: 0.01987111)
Convert ASCII art diagrams into proper bitmap graphics
ditaa is a small command-line utility written in Java, that can convert diagrams drawn using ascii art ('drawings' that contain characters that resemble lines like | / - ), into proper bitmap graphics.
graphics/djview-4.10.6 (Score: 0.01987111)
Standalone Djvu viewer and plugin based on Qt toolkit
Standalone Djvu viewer and plugin based on the Qt toolkit. Uses djvulibre for rendering.
graphics/djvulibre-3.5.27 (Score: 0.01987111)
DjVu base libraries and utilities
DjVu is a web-centric format and software platform for distributing documents and images. DjVu was originally developed at AT&T Labs-Research. In March 2000, AT&T sold DjVu to LizardTech Inc. who now distributes Windows/Mac plug-ins, and commercial encoders (mostly on Windows). LizardTech released the reference implementation of DjVu under the GNU GPL in October 2000. DjVuLibre (which means free DjVu), is an enhanced version of that code, maintained by the original inventors of DjVu. It is compatible with version 3.5 of the LizardTech DjVu software suite.