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databases/DBIx-HA-1.1 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
High Availability package for DBI
DBIx::HA is a High Availability module for DBI. It is implemented by overloading the DBI connect, prepare and execute methods and can be seamlessly used without code modification except for initialization. DBIx::HA also works seamlessly with Apache::DBI when available, and ensures that cached database handles in the Apache::DBI module are properly updated when failing over.
databases/Jifty-DBI-0.78 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
Jifty::DBI - An object-relational persistence framework
Jifty::DBI deals with databases, so that you don't have to. This module provides an object-oriented mechanism for retrieving and updating data in a DBI-accesible database. This module is the direct descendent of DBIx::SearchBuilder. If you're familiar with SearchBuilder, Jifty::DBI should be quite familiar to you.
databases/Oryx-0.24 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
Meta-Model Driven Object Persistance with Multiple Inheritance
Oryx is an object persistence framework which supports both object-relational mapping as well as DMB style databases and as such is not coupled with any particular storage back-end. In other words, you should be able to swap out an RDMBS with a DBM style database (and vice versa) without changing your persistent classes at all.
databases/SQL-Statement-1.410 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
Perl5 module for SQL parsing and processing
The SQL::Statement module implements a small, abstract SQL engine. By parsing an SQL query you create an SQL::Statement instance. This instance offers methods for retrieving syntax, for WHERE clause and statement evaluation. The implementation is designed to work with the DBI driver DBD::CSV, and should be easily extensible.
databases/MDB2_Schema-0.8.6 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
PEAR XML based database schema manager
PEAR::MDB2_Schema enables users to maintain RDBMS independant schema files in XML that can be used to create, alter and drop database entities and insert data into a database. Reverse engineering database schemas from existing databases is also supported. The format is compatible with both PEAR::MDB and Metabase.
databases/pgadmin3-1.22.1 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
PostgreSQL database design and management system
pgAdmin III is a comprehensive PostgreSQL database design and management system for *nix and Windows systems. It is freely available under the terms of the Artistic Licence and may be redistributed provided the terms of the licence are adhered to. The project is managed by the pgAdmin Development Team.
deskutils/cdcat-2.3.1 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
Qt based tool for offline CD/DVD/disk catalogs
cdcat is a powerful Qt based tool for creating fully searchable offline catalogs of the contents of any arbitrary media. Primarily it is most useful for cataloging CDs, DVDs, and other such removable media. The catalogs can be quickly searched (including across multiple catalogs) with regular expressions, exported as CSV or HTML files, sorted, and statistical information gathered.
deskutils/howm-1.4.2 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
Write fragmentarily and read collectively
howm: Write fragmentarily and read collectively. Howm is a note-taking tool on Emacs. It is similar to emacs-wiki; you can enjoy hyperlinks and full-text search easily. It is not similar to emacs-wiki; it can be combined with any format.
devel/elfkickers-3.0 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
Collection of programs to manipulate ELF files
This distribution is a collection of programs that are generally unrelated, except in that they all deal with the ELF file format. The main purpose of these programs is to be illustrative and educational -- to help fellow programmers understand the ELF file format and something of how it works under the Linux platform.
devel/kdevelop-pg-qt-1.0.0 (Score: 2.3547228E-4)
Parser-generator from KDevplatform
KDevelop-PG-Qt is a parser generator written in readable source-code and generating readable source-code. Its syntax was inspirated by AntLR. It implements the visitor-pattern and uses the Qt library. That is why it is ideal to be used in Qt-/KDE-based applications like KDevelop.