Ports 搜索

devel/Agent-3.20 (Score: 0.0010153471)
Perl module that provides a foundation for software agent developers
Agent Perl provides both a foundation for software agent developers, and a standardized API for the agent's users. Agent's two most prominent features are its support for agent transportation and abstract messaging over different mediums.
devel/CPAN-Mini-1.111013 (Score: 0.0010153471)
CPAN::Mini - create a minimal mirror of CPAN
CPAN::Mini provides a simple mechanism to build and update a minimal mirror of the CPAN on your local disk. It contains only those files needed to install the newest version of every distribution.
devel/ExtUtils-Manifest-1.70 (Score: 0.0010153471)
Utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file
ExtUtils::Manifest provides a number of utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file. At present the list includes mkmanifest, manicheck, filecheck, fullcheck, skipcheck, manifind, maniread, manicopy, and maniadd.
devel/Regexp-Subst-Parallel-0.11 (Score: 0.0010153471)
Perform multiple substitutions on a string in parallel
Regexp::Subst::Parallel is a module that allows you to make multiple simultaneous substitutions safely. Using the sole exported "subst" function has a rather different effect from doing each substitution sequentially.
devel/Test-Able-Runner-1.001 (Score: 0.0010153471)
Use Test::Able without a bunch of boilerplate
Provides basic test runner via use_test_packages by base package or a list of test packages. Allows you to choose your test paths. Use Test::Able without a bunch of boilerplate.
devel/Test-Distribution-2.00 (Score: 0.0010153471)
Test::Distribution - Perform tests on all modules of a distribution
When using this module in a test script, it goes through all the modules in your distribution, checks their POD, checks that they compile ok and checks that they all define a $VERSION.
devel/check-manifest-0.31 (Score: 0.0010153471)
Check MANIFEST.in in a Python source package for completeness
Check MANIFEST.in in a Python source package for completeness. - Are you a Python developer? - Have you uploaded packages to the Python PackageIndex? - Have you accidentally uploaded broken packages with some files missing? If so, check-manifest is for you.
devel/exam-0.10.5 (Score: 0.0010153471)
Exam is a Python toolkit for writing better tests
Exam is a Python toolkit for writing better tests. It aims to remove a lot of the boiler plate testing code one often writes, while still following Python conventions and adhering to the unit testing interface.
devel/flexmock-0.10.2 (Score: 0.0010153471)
Flexmock is a mock/stub/spy library for Python
Flexmock is a mock/stub/spy library for Python. Its API is inspired by a Ruby library of the same name. However, it is not a goal of Python Flexmock to be a clone of the Ruby version. Instead, the focus is on providing full support for testing Python programs and making the creation of fake objects as unobtrusive as possible. As a result, Python Flexmock removes a number of redandancies in the Ruby Flexmock API, alters some defaults, and introduces a number of Python-only features. Flexmock declarations are structured to read more like English sentences than API calls, and it is possible to chain them together in any order to achieve high degree of expressiveness in a single line of code.
devel/grouch-0.4 (Score: 0.0010153471)
System for describing and enforcing a Python object schema
Grouch is a system for describing and enforcing a Python object schema. That is, it provides you with a language for describing the intended type signatures of your objects (collectively, the "object schema"), and tools to walk an object graph, checking that every value found matches your object schema. An object schema describes every class in a collection of objects -- in particular, it specifies the type of every instance attribute of every class. Grouch includes a type language for specifying attribute types, a tool to parse specially-formatted class docstrings and output a complete object schema, and another tool for walking a persistent object graph and ensuring that every scrap of data in it conforms to the object schema extracted from your class docstrings. The API for defining, querying, and enforcing types is fairly complete and well-documented, so you can use Grouch's type system in other ways as well.