Ports 搜索

math/ChangeAnomalyDetection-0.1.0 (Score: 5.6222E-5)
Change Anomaly Detection
It is a R package for the detection of the point of a sharp turn of the behavior of the time series.
Find subtrees in Math::Symbolic expressions
This module extends the functionality of Math::Symbolic by offering facilities to test a Math::Symbolic tree for existance of a specific subtree in the Math::Symbolic tree.
math/Math_Combinatorics-1.0.0 (Score: 5.6222E-5)
Package that produces combinations and permutations
A package that returns all the combinations and permutations, without repitition, of a given set and subset size. Associative arrays are preserved.
math/rb-gsl- (Score: 5.6222E-5)
Ruby extension library for GSL (GNU Scientific Library)
Ruby/GSL is a Ruby extension library for GSL (GNU Scientific Library), which provides a number of functions and methods for numerical computing in Ruby.
misc/dvorakng-0.5.0 (Score: 5.6222E-5)
Dvorak typing tutor
DvorakNG is a Dvorak typing tutor. It's heavily based on Dvorak7min, but adds many improvements like a progress information database.
misc/biosfont-demos-1.1 (Score: 5.6222E-5)
Demos for the biosfont kernel module
Two samples for the biosfont(4) kernel module: * showchar shows a requested character on stdout * showdati is a digital clock. Best viewed on 80x25 consoles.
misc/qbrew-0.4.1 (Score: 5.6222E-5)
Homebrewer's recipe calculator
QBrew is a homebrewer's recipe calculator. With it a brewer can formulate new recipes and calculate gravity, bitterness, color and other attributes.
misc/klettres-4.14.3 (Score: 5.6222E-5)
Alphabet learning tool for KDE 4
KLettres helps a very young child or an adult learning a new language by associating sounds and letters in this language.
misc/xsw-0.3.5 (Score: 5.6222E-5)
Tool for creating presentations
xsw is a tool for generating presentations. It uses a simple language to describe the slides. An example xsw file is: slide: - "Hello" x:50 y:30 align:center + "World!"
misc/wmpal-0.6.1 (Score: 5.6222E-5)
One of the most useless dockapps in the world
One of the most useless dockapps in the world... Wmpal is a Window Maker dockapp based off a Black Box application called bbpal.