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devel/Parse-LocalDistribution-0.15 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl extension to parses local .pm files as PAUSE does
This is a sister module of Parse::PMFile. This module parses local .pm files (and a META file if any) in a specific (current if not specified) directory, and returns a hash reference that represents "provides" information (with some extra meta data). This is almost the same as Module::Metadata does (which has been in Perl core since Perl 5.13.9). The main difference is the most of the code of this module is directly taken from the PAUSE code as of June 2013. If you need better compatibility to PAUSE, try this. If you need better performance, safety, or portability in general, Module::Metadata may be a better and handier option (Parse::PMFile (and thus Parse::LocalDistribution) actually evaluates code in the $VERSION line (in a Safe compartment), which may be problematic in some cases).
devel/Parse-PMFile-0.36 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl extension to parses .pm file as PAUSE does
The most of the code of this module is taken from the PAUSE code as of April 2013 almost verbatim. Thus, the heart of this module should be quite stable. However, I made it not to use pipe ("-|") as well as I stripped database-related code. If you encounter any issue, that's most probably because of my modification. This module doesn't provide features to extract a distribution or parse meta files intentionally.
devel/Parse-PlainConfig-2.06 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl5 module to use plain config files
This perl module allows you to use generic config files in Perl applications. Syntax of the configuration file(s) to read is fully configurable including delimiters, maximum config size, ends of lines, and features include comments, associative arrays, types of variables with coercion
devel/Pragmatic-1.7 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Adds pragmata to Exporter
Pragmatic implements a default import method for processing pragmata before passing the rest of the import to Exporter. Perl automatically calls the import method when processing a use statement for a module. Modules and use are documented in perlfunc and perlmod. (Do not confuse Pragmatic with pragmatic modules, such as less, strict and the like. They are standalone pragmata, and are not associated with any other module.)
devel/Proc-BackOff-0.02 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl module that provides methods to backoff on failures
Proc::BackOff provides methods for a Perl script to backoff retries when an operation fails.
devel/Parse-RecDescent-1.967.009 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Recursive descent parsing framework for Perl
RecDescent incrementally generates top-down recursive-descent text parsers from simple yacc-like grammar specifications. It provides: * Regular expressions or literal strings as terminals (tokens) * Multiple (non-contiguous) productions for any rule * Repeated, optional and alternate subrules within productions * Late-bound (run-time dispatched) subrules * Full access to Perl within actions specified as part of the grammar * Simple automated error reporting during generation and parsing * The ability to commit to, uncommit to, or reject particular productions during a parse * Incremental extension of the parsing grammar (even during a parse) * The ability to retrieve the generated parsing code.
devel/ParseLex-2.21 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Object-oriented generator of lexical analyzers
The Parse::Lex.pm module for perl5 is an object-oriented generator of lexical analyzers. This distribution includes Parse::YYLex (written by Vladimir Alexiev) a lexer generator that you can use with yacc parsers.
devel/Path-Abstract-0.096 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Fast and featureful UNIX-style path parsing and manipulation
A tool for parsing, interrogating, and modifying a UNIX-style path. The parsing behavior is similar to File::Spec::Unix, except that trailing slashes are preserved (converted into a single slash).
devel/Proc-Queue-1.23 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Proc::Queue - limit the number of child processes running
This module lets you parallelise a perl program using the fork, exit, wait and waitpid calls as usual but without taking care of creating too many processes and overloading the machine.
devel/Proc-Reliable-1.16 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Run external processes reliably with many options
The Proc::Reliable is intended to be a method for simple, reliable and configurable subprocess execution in PERL. It includes all the functionality of the backticks operator and system() functions, plus many uses of fork/exec, open2() and open3(). Proc::Reliable incorporates a number of options, including sending data to the subprocess on STDIN, collecting STDOUT and STDERR separately or together, killing hung processes, timeouts and automatic retries. Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>