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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第2,6612,670项(搜索用时0.008秒)
devel/StreetAddress-1.0.6 (Score: 0.0028730754)
Parses one line street addresses into normalized address object
Parses one line street addresses and returns a normalized address object. This is a near direct port of the of the perl module Geo::StreetAddress::US originally written by Schuyler D. Erle. For more information see http://search.cpan.org/~sderle/Geo-StreetAddress-US-0.99/
devel/tzinfo-1.2.2 (Score: 0.0028730754)
Daylight-savings aware timezone support for Ruby
TZInfo is a Ruby library that uses the standard tz database (http://www.twinsun.com/tz/tz-link.htm) to provide daylight savings aware transformations between times in different time zones. The tz database is compiled into Ruby classes which are packaged in the release. No external zoneinfo files are required at runtime.
devel/tzinfo-0.3.49 (Score: 0.0028730754)
Daylight-savings aware timezone support for Ruby
TZInfo is a Ruby library that uses the standard tz database (http://www.twinsun.com/tz/tz-link.htm) to provide daylight savings aware transformations between times in different time zones. The tz database is compiled into Ruby classes which are packaged in the release. No external zoneinfo files are required at runtime.
games/jzip-2.0.1g (Score: 0.0028730754)
Text-mode Infocom game interpreter
This software interprets Infocom text-adventure games. This port does not install any games; you can install them yourself if you own the games, or you can legally obtain the Zork series from: http://www.csd.uwo.ca/~pete/Infocom/download.html
graphics/xfpovray-1.3.1 (Score: 0.0028730754)
Graphical interface to POV-Ray
xfpovray is a graphical interface to the cool ray tracing program POV-Ray (http://www.povray.org). It is written with the XForms library and supports most of the numerous options of POV-Ray. The interface was developed with POV-Ray version 3.0. Please read the documentation on POV-Ray before using xfpovray, especially if you will be using the animation loop or antialiasing.
misc/biblical-curse-0.02 (Score: 0.0028730754)
Fake biblical curse generator
A command line version of biblical curse generator from http://www.shipoffools.com/curses/index.html. The curses are theirs, the code is theirs, I just translated it from JavaScript to Perl. If you are offended by this script, get a life!
net/right_aws-3.1.0 (Score: 0.0028730754)
Provides access to Amazon EC2, S3, SQS, and SDB web services
RightScale's AWS gems provide robust, fast, and secure Ruby interfaces to Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon SQS, and Amazon SDB. The gems use Amazon's REST and query interfaces to provide full programmatic control. An optional robust HTTP layer retries and clears transient errors.
security/gpasman-1.3.1 (Score: 0.0028730754)
Password manager that stores password information encrypted
Gpasman is a password manager. People working with the internet have to remember lots of passwords. Saving them in a textfile is not a secure idea. Gpasman is a GTK solution to this problem since it saves the password information encrypted, so now you have to remember only one password instead of ten (or more). http://gpasman.sourceforge.net/
security/net-ssh-gateway-1.2.0 (Score: 0.0028730754)
Establish Net::SSH connections through firewalls
Net::SSH::Gateway is a library for programmatically tunneling connections to servers via a single "gateway" host. It is useful for establishing Net::SSH connections to servers behind firewalls, but can also be used to forward ports and establish connections of other types, like HTTP, to servers with i restricted access. * Easily manage forwarded ports * Establish Net::SSH connections through firewalls
sysutils/ipfs-go-0.3.10 (Score: 0.0028730754)
IPFS implementation in Go
IPFS is a global, versioned, peer-to-peer filesystem. It combines good ideas from Git, BitTorrent, Kademlia, SFS, and the Web. It is like a single bittorrent swarm, exchanging git objects. IPFS provides an interface as simple as the HTTP web, but with permanence built in.