Ports 搜索

devel/Git-Repository-1.320 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Perl interface to Git repositories
Git::Repository is a Perl interface to Git, for scripted interactions with repositories. It's a low-level interface that allows calling any Git command, whether porcelain or plumbing, including bidirectional commands such as git commit-tree. A Git::Repository object simply provides context to the git commands being run. Is it possible to call the command()and run() methods against the class itself, and the context (typically current working directory) will be obtained from the options and environment.
devel/Opcodes-0.14 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
More Opcodes information from opnames.h and opcode.h
More Opcodes information from opnames.h and opcode.h The canonical list of operator names is the contents of the array PL_op_name, defined and initialised in file opcode.h of the Perl source distribution (and installed into the perl library). Each operator has both a terse name (its opname) and a more verbose or recognisable descriptive name. The opdesc function can be used to return a description for an OP.
devel/MouseX-Traits-0.1102 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Automatically apply roles at object creation time
Often you want to create components that can be added to a class arbitrarily. MouseX::Traits makes it easy for the end user to use these components. Instead of requiring the user to create a named class with the desired roles applied, or apply roles to the instance one-by-one, he can just create a new class from yours with with_traits, and then instantiate that.
devel/Tie-iCal-0.15 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Tie iCal files to Perl hashes
Tie::iCal represents an RFC2445 iCalendar file as a Perl hash. Each key in the hash represents an iCalendar component like VEVENT, VTODO or VJOURNAL. Each component in the file must have a unique UID property as specified in the RFC 2445. A file containing non-unique UIDs can be converted to have only unique UIDs (see samples/uniquify.pl). The module makes very little effort in understanding what each iCalendar property means and concentrates on the format of the iCalendar file only.
devel/fs-0.5.4 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Python filesystem abstraction
Pyfilesystem is a Python module that provides a simplified common interface to many types of filesystem. Filesystems exposed via Pyfilesystem can also be served over the network, or 'mounted' on the native filesystem. Pyfilesystem simplifies working directories and paths, even if you only intend to work with local files. Differences in path formats between platforms are abstracted away, and you can write code that sand-boxes any changes to a given directory.
devel/offtrac-0.1.0 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Trac XMLRPC library
This is the Offtrac project. It aims to be a python based xmlrpc client library for trac instances. There is the offtrac python library which offers the TracServer class. This object is how one interacts with a Trac instance via xmlrpc. An example script (fedora-hosted.py) is provided to show how a client program might make use of the library to get things done.
devel/fastercsv-1.5.5 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Complete replacement to the CSV standard library
FasterCSV is intended as a replacement to Ruby's standard CSV library. It was designed to address concerns users of that library had and it has three primary goals: 1. Be significantly faster than CSV while remaining a pure Ruby library. 2. Use a smaller and easier to maintain code base. (We're about even now, but not if you compare the features!) 3. Improve on the CSV interface.
devel/state_machine-1.2.0 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Support for creating state machines for attributes on any Ruby class
State machines make it simple to manage the behavior of a class. Too often, the state of an object is kept by creating multiple boolean attributes and deciding how to behave based on the values. state_machine simplifies this design by introducing the various parts of a real state machine, including states, events, transitions, and callbacks. However, the api is designed to be so simple you do not even need to know what a state machine is.
devel/ua_parser-0.5.0 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Regex file for building language ports of Browserscope's UA parser
This port contains the core of BrowserScope's original user agent string parser: data collected over the years by Steve Souders and numerous other contributors, extracted into a separate YAML file so as to be reusable as is by implementations in any programming language. This port itself does not contain a parser: only the necessary data to build one. There exists a ref implementation, along with multiple, production-ready implementations in various programming languages.
devel/sdl2-2.0.4 (Score: 2.3999134E-4)
Cross-platform multimedia development API
This library is designed to make it easy to write games that run on UNIX, Win32, MacOS X and other platforms using the various native high-performance media interfaces (for video, audio, etc) and presenting a single source-code level API to your application. This is a fairly low level API, but using this, completely portable applications can be written with a great deal of flexibility.