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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第11,75111,760项(搜索用时0.01秒)
devel/Class-Default-1.51 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Static calls apply to a default instantiation
Class::Default provides a mechanism to allow your class to take static method calls and apply it to a default instantiation of an object. It provides a flexibility to an API that allows it to be used more comfortably in different situations. This technique appears to be especially useful when writing modules that you want to be used in either a single use or a persistent environment. In a CGI like environment, you want the simplicity of a static interface. You can call Class-method> directly, without having to pass an instantiation around constantly.
devel/Class-ErrorHandler-0.04 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Base class for error handling
Class::ErrorHandler provides an error-handling mechanism that's generic enough to be used as the base class for a variety of OO classes.
devel/Class-OOorNO-0.011 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl module that give your module classic AND OO interfaces
Class::OOorNO Class::OOorNO helps your module handle the input for its subroutines whether called in object-oriented style (as object methods or class methods with the arrow syntax ->), or in functional programming style (as subroutines imported to the caller's namespace via Exporter).
devel/Class-Generate-1.15 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Simplify the creation of class hierarchies
Class::Generate is a Perl5 module to simplify creating class hierarchies. It offers typed or untyped scalar, array, and hash members, required members, private members, methods (both instance and class), and other common features of object- oriented software development. Of course, you can implement all these things without a special module, but doing it via Class::Generate is much, much more concise. And furthermore, it's much less error prone: if you are using Perl's -w flag, Class::Generate will catch many class specification and usage errors.
devel/Class-Handle-1.07 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Create objects that are handles to classes
Class related functionality in Perl is broken up into a variety of different modules. Class::Handle attempts to provide a convenient object wrapper around the various different types of functions that can be performed on a class. Currently, Class::Handle provides what is effectively a combined API from UNIVERSAL, Class::ISA and Class::Inspector for obtaining information about a Class, and some additional task methods, such as load to common tasks relating to classes.
devel/Class-ObjectTemplate-0.7 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Optimized template builder base class
Class::ObjectTemplate is a utility class to assist in the building of other Object Oriented Perl classes. It was described in detail in the O'Reilly book, "Advanced Perl Programming" by Sriram Srinivasam.
devel/Class-Hook-0.05 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Add hooks on methods from other classes
Class::Hook enables you to trace methods calls from your code to other classes. Instead of putting 'use Foo;' in your code, simply type 'use Class::Hook;'. The class Foo is unknown in your code. It will be magically caught by Class::Hook which will call Foo itself. You can see Class::Hook as a kind of relay. You can setup a subroutine to be called before any call to Foo->amethod and a subroutine to be called after the call. Your subs will receive all the information that Foo->amethod will receive, so you can trace everything between your code and Foo.
devel/Class-ParmList-1.05 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Module for processing named parameter lists for method calls
Class::ParmList General named parameter list parser. Handles default values, required vs allowed distinctions, optional name lexical checking, multiple retrieval, and error reporting. Works well as a complement to Class::NamedParms.
devel/Class-Prototyped-1.13 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Fast prototype-based OO programming in Perl
This module provides for efficient and simple prototype-based programming in Perl. You can provide different subroutines for each object, and also have objects inherit their behavior and state from another object.
devel/Class-InsideOut-1.13 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Safe, simple inside-out object construction kit
This is a simple, safe and streamlined toolkit for building inside-out objects. Unlike most other inside-out object building modules already on CPAN, this module aims for minimalism and robustness: * Does not require derived classes to subclass it * Uses no source filters, attributes or CHECK blocks * Supports any underlying object type including foreign inheritance * Does not leak memory on object destruction * Overloading-safe * Thread-safe for Perl 5.8 or better * mod_perl compatible * Makes no assumption about inheritance or initializer needs It provides the minimal support necessary for creating safe inside-out objects and generating flexible accessors.