Ports 搜索

www/Catalyst-View-Mason-0.19 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Mason view class for Catalyst
Want to use a Mason component in your views? No problem! Catalyst::View::Mason comes to the rescue.
www/ikiwiki-3.20160728 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Wiki compiler
ikiwiki is a wiki compiler. It converts wiki pages into html pages suitable for publishing on a website. Unlike many wikis, ikiwiki does not have its own ad-hoc means of storing page history, and instead uses a revision control system (currently supported is bzr, git, mercurial, monotone, subversion and tla). There are many other features, including support for blogging, as well as a large array of plugins.
www/Dancer2-Plugin-Ajax-0.200001 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Ajax handling for Dancer2 applications
The ajax keyword which is exported by this plugin allow you to define a route handler optimized for Ajax queries.
www/HTML-GenerateUtil-1.20 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Perl5 module for generating HTML on the fly
HTML::GenerateUtil is a module provides C language version of various helper routines for generating HTML output.
www/HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath-0.14 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Add XPath support to HTML::TreeBuilder
This module adds typical XPath methods to HTML::TreeBuilder, to make it easy to query a document.
www/HTTP-Headers-Fast-0.17 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Perl extension for faster implementation of HTTP::Headers
HTTP::Headers::Fast is a perl class for parsing/writing HTTP headers. The interface is same as HTTP::Headers.
www/SRU-1.01 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Search and Retrieval by URL
The SRU package provides a framework for working with the Search and Retrieval by URL (SRU) protocol developed by the Library of Congress. SRU defines a web service for searching databases containing metadata and objects. SRU often goes under the name SRW which is a SOAP version of the protocol. You can think of SRU as a RESTful version of SRW, since all the requests are simple URLs instead of XML documents being sent via some sort of transport layer.
www/LWP-Protocol-connect-6.09 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Provides HTTP/CONNECT proxy support for LWP::UserAgent
The LWP::Protocol::connect module provides support for using https over a proxy via the HTTP/Connect method.
www/Mojolicious-Plugin-Mongodb-1.16 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Use MongoDB in Mojolicious
Mojolicious::Plugin::Mongodb provides a few helpers to ease the use of MongoDB in your Mojolicious application.
Perl extension for Awesome Interactive Debugger ala Werkzeug
Plack::Middleware::InteractiveDebugger is a PSGI middleware component that provides an awesome JavaScript in-browser interacive debugger.