Pebrot is a text MSN messenger client implemented with Python.
It has also a pretty and colorful Curses-based interface.
Nagios plugin for checking tftp servers. This plugin can retrieve a file and
compare the size with a given value.
cnd or console network display is a curses based real time display of a
networks input and output.
kafkacat is a generic non-JVM producer and consumer
for Apache Kafka. Think of it as a netcat for
MoreBalance is a modular open source user-space load balancing system.
It also serves as a general fun networking tool.
Net::FTP::AutoReconnect is a Perl5 module providing a FTP client class
with automatic reconnect on failure.
This module implements a Perl interface to ssh. It is a simple wrapper
around the system `ssh' command.
Coherence is a framework written in Python, providing a variety of UPnP
MediaServer and UPnP MediaRenderer implementations for instant use.
Python module for reading MaxMind DB files. The module includes both a pure
Python reader and a C extension.
dropbox-sdk is a library that provides a plain function-call interface to the
Dropbox API web endpoints.