Ports 搜索

www/Plack-Middleware-Reproxy-0.00004 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Perl extension to handle X-Reproxy-URL from within Plack
Plack::Middleware::Reproxy implements a simple reproxy mechanism via X-Reproxy-URL, like https://github.com/kazuho/mod_reproxy.
www/RPC-ExtDirect-3.21 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Perl extension for implementing the Ext.Direct remoting protocol
RPC::ExtDirect is a Perl implementation for Ext.Direct remoting protocol used in Ext JS JavaScript framework by Sencha Inc.
www/Template-Plugin-FillInForm-0.04 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Template::Plugin::FillInForm - TT plugin for HTML::FillInForm
Template::Plugin::FillInForm is a plugin for TT, which allows you to make your HTML form sticky using HTML::FillInForm.
www/Template-Plugin-JavaScript-0.02 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Encodes text to be safe in JavaScript
Template::Plugin::JavaScript is a TT filter that filters text so it can be safely used in JavaScript quotes.
www/Template-Plugin-Markdown-0.02 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
TT plugin for Text::Markdown
Template::Plugin::Markdown acts as a filter passing all content to Text::Markdown for conversion of plain text to HTML.
www/Template-Plugin-Monta-0.03 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Template-Toolkit plugin to Monta Method
Template::Plugin::Monta is a plugin for Template Toolkit which allows you to use monta-method on your template.
www/WWW-Mechanize-FormFiller-0.11 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Perl framework to automate HTML forms
The module is intended as a simple way to fill out HTML forms from a set of predetermined values. You set up the form filler with value elements, retrieve the HTML form, and let the form filler loose on that form. There are value classes provided for many tasks - fixed values, values to be queried interactively from the user, values taken randomly from a list of values and values specified through a callback to some Perl code.
www/WWW-Scraper-ISBN-1.03 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Retrieving information about books by ISBN number
The WWW::Scraper::ISBN class was built as a way to retrieve information on books from multiple sources easily. It utilizes at least one driver implemented as a subclass of WWW::Scraper::ISBN::Driver, each of which is designed to scrape from a single source. Because we found that different sources had different information available on different books, we designed a basic interface that could be implemented in whatever ways necessary to retrieve the desired information.
www/WebService-Technorati-0.04 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Perl interface to the Technorati web services interface
The Technorati web services interfaces use REST wire protocol with a format described at http://developers.technorati.com/
www/gnome-web-photo-0.10.6 (Score: 2.1808068E-4)
Tool to generate full-size image files and thumbnails
GNOME Web Photographer is a tool to generate full-size image files and thumbnails from HTML files and web pages.