NanoBlogger is a small weblog engine written in Bash for the command
line. It uses common UNIX tools such as cat, grep, and sed to create
static HTML content.
Features include:
* intuitive commandline interface
* highly configurable and script-able :)
* easy drafting, editing, and management of entries
* archiving by category, year, month, day, and entry
* pagination
* permanent and navigational links
* templates and CSS style sheets for full control over layout
* placeholders for easy template manipulation
* support for multiple weblogs
* support for multiple categories
* support for relative and absolute links
* support for date manipulation of entries
* Atom syndication (comes with 1.0 format)
* RSS syndication (comes with RSS 1.0 and 2.0 formats)
* plugins for calendar, recent entries, weblog status, etc.
* plugins for text formatting (e.g. line breaks translate to HTML)
* [...]
The ANTRIK internet Viewer -- just the best text-mode WWW browser
around :-) , and maybe a bit more...
The blogspam site exists to provide a service which allows you to test whether a
submitted blog/forum comment is SPAM or not, in real-time.
We can identify many common SPAM characteristics and using them allow comments
to be blocked - cutting down on the SPAM that might otherwise affect your site.
eFront is an easy to use, visually attractive, SCORM compatible, eLearning
and Human Capital Development system.
ClearSilver is a fast, powerful, and language-neutral template system. It is
designed to make it easy to create template driven static or dynamic
This port installs the ClearSilver Perl bindings.
Kanboard is a simple visual task board software.
Main features:
* Kanban methodology
* Visualize your work
* Limit your work in progress to be more efficient
* Customize your boards according to your business activities
* Multiple boards with the ability to drag and drop tasks
* Minimalist software, focus only on essential features (Less is more)
* Fast and simple to use
* Access from anywhere with a modern browser
* Free, open source and self-hosted
* Super simple installation
kPlaylist is a free PHP system that makes your music collection
available via the Internet.
kPlaylist is a music database that you manage via the web. With kPlaylist
you can stream your music (ogg, mp3, wav, wma, etc.), you can upload,
make playlists, share, search, download and a lot more.
Environment which provide object-oriented stuff for create complex web
The Servlet API for Perl (libservlet) is a formulation of the Java (TM)
Servlet API in Perl.
While the servlet concept originated with Java (TM), its component model is
quite natural for Perl as well. By writing servlet applications and deploying
them in a servlet container, application authors can spare themselves the
effort of writing commonly needed web application infrastructure components
for each new project. Furthermore, servlet applications are portable between
deployment environments; they can be executed in any servlet container using
any process model with only a few configuration changes and no application
code changes. Servlet applications are insulated from changes in vendor or
platform and are able to portably take advantage of standard web
infrastructure services offered by any servlet container.
phpWebApp is an application framework which makes easy and simple the task of
building PHP web applications based on relational databases. It separates the
task of designing and changing the layout of the application from the task of
implementing the logic of the application, by using XML templates that are an
extension of XHTML. It also simplifies the task of implementing the logic of
the application by offering an event based programming model. In addition,
phpWebApp tries to offer modularity and code reusability to the community of
webApp developers.