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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第12,57112,580项(搜索用时0.011秒)
devel/Taint-Runtime-0.03 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Runtime enable/disable taint checking
Taint is a good thing. However, few people use taint even though they should. The goal of this module isn't to use taint less, but to actually encourage its use more. This module aims to make using taint as painless as possible (This can be an argument against it - often implementation of security implies pain - so taking away pain might lessen security - sort of).
devel/pty-1.2 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Helps debug programs which fiddle with their tty settings
pty is a tool to help debug console programs which take the terminal out of canonical mode, by allowing the program being debugged and the debugger to run on separate terminal devices. To use pty, the programmer changes to the terminal device where he or she wishes to interact with the program to be debugged, and at the shell prompt, runs pty with no arguments. Pty will print out the filename of the slave side of the pseudo-terminal it has opened. Inside the debugger, running in another terminal device, one then redirects the program to be debugged's IO to the slave (tty command of gdb). When you are finished using pty, you must manually kill it. When pty starts it prints out its pid.
devel/Term-ANSIColor-4.05 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences
While ANSI color escape codes are fairly simple, it can be hard to remember the codes for all of the attributes and the code resulting from hard-coding them into your script is definitely difficult to read. This module is designed to fix those problems, as well as provide a convenient interface to do a few things for you automatically (like resetting attributes after the text you print out so that you don't accidentally leave attributes set). Despite its name, this module can also handle non-color ANSI text attributes (bold, underline, reverse video, and blink). It uses either of two interfaces, one of which uses "constants" for each different attribute and the other of which uses two subs which take strings of attributes as arguments.
devel/Term-Animation-2.6 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
ASCII sprite animation framework
This module provides a framework to produce sprite animations using ASCII art. Each ASCII 'sprite' is given one or more frames, and placed into the animation as an 'animation object'. An animation object can have a callback routine that controls the position and frame of the object. If the constructor is passed no arguments, it assumes that it is running full screen, and behaves accordingly. Alternatively, it can accept a curses window (created with the Curses newwin call) as an argument, and will draw into that window.
devel/Term-Clui-1.70 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl module offering a Command-Line User Interface
Term::Clui offers a high-level user interface to give the user of command-line applications a consistent "look and feel". Its metaphor for the computer is as a human-like conversation-partner, and as each question/response is completed it is summarised onto one line, and remains on screen, so that the history of the session gradually accumulates on the screen and is available for review, or for cut/paste. This user interface can therefore be intermixed with standard applications which write to STDOUT or STDERR, such as make, pgp, rcs etc.
devel/Term-EditLine-0.05 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl interface to the NetBSD editline library
Perl interface to the NetBSD editline library.
devel/Term-Menus-2.99 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Create Powerful Terminal, Console, and CMD Environment Menus
Term::Menus allows you to create powerful Terminal, Console and CMD environment menus. Any perl script used in a Terminal, Console or CMD environment can now include a menu facility that includes sub-menus, forward and backward navigation, single or multiple selection capabilities, dynamic item creation and customized banners. All this power is simple to implement with a straight forward and very intuitive configuration hash structure that mirrors the actual menu architecture needed by the application. A separate configuration file is optional. Term::Menus is cross platform compatible.
devel/Term-ProgressBar-2.17 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl extension to display a progress bar
A really simple progress bar for things that take a while. Doing something: ########### The bar grows as things done. Fifty hash marks are printed altogether.
devel/Term-Prompt-1.04 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Perl extension for prompting a user for information
This perl routine will take a prompt, a default response and a list of possible responses and deal with the user interface, (and the user!), by displaying the prompt, showing the default, and checking to be sure that the response is one of the legal choices.
devel/Term-Query-2.0 (Score: 9.2878623E-4)
Interactive question-response user interface module
Excerpted from the README file: Term::Query.pm is a Perl 5 module, which performs generalized queries on various kinds of values. Validation and normalization of input, based on the type, is automated, as is error reporting and re-solicitation of input. Input of '?', unless configured otherwise, provides useful, helpful information, based on the expected input type, even in the absence of a programmer-supplied help string.