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Results 661670 of 17,773 for comment.zh_CN%3A%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.009 seconds)
games/Algorithm-Pair-Best2-2.040 (Score: 0.0070606926)
Select tournament pairings
Algorithm::Pair::Best2 is a re-write of Algorithm::Pair::Best. The interface is simplified and the implementation is significantly streamlined. After creating an Algorithm::Pair::Best2 object (with->new), add items to the list of items (i.e: players) to be paired. The final list must contain an even number of items or picking the pairs will throw an exception. Algorithm::Pair::Best2->pick explores all combinations of items and returns the pairing list with the best (lowest) score.
japanese/bible_names-fpw-1.1.3 (Score: 0.0070606926)
Dictionary for HITCHCOCK'S BIBLE NAMES (EPWING V1 format)
HITCHCOCK'S BIBLE NAMES Dictionary was produced by Mr. Brad Haugaard. This file is converted from the original dictionary into JIS X 4081 format (that is a subset of EPWING V1) by FreePWING. So this can be used by EPWING viewers on Unix and the other OS (e.g. Windows or MacOS). o URL for the original dictionary: ftp://ccel.wheaton.edu/ebooks/HTML/bible_names/ o URL for this converted dictionary:
japanese/flower-fpw-1.0 (Score: 0.0070606926)
Dictionary for flowers (EPWING V1 format)
This flower dictionary was produced by Mr. Yoshio Kobayashi. This file is converted from the original dictionary into JIS X 4081 format (that is a subset of EPWING V1) by FreePWING. So this can be used by EPWING viewers on Unix and the other OS (e.g. Windows or MacOS). o URL for the original dictionary: http://www.inv.co.jp/~yoshio/DW/Flower/Flower.htm o URL for this converted dictionary:
japanese/fumeikai-fpw-1.0 (Score: 0.0070606926)
Abbreviation (alphabet-->Japanese) dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
This is an abbreviation (alphabet-->Japanese) dictionary whose Japanese name is Ryakugo Jisyo. It was produced by Fumeikai Ryakugo Jiten Hensyu committee. This file is converted from the original dictionary into JIS X 4081 format (that is a subset of EPWING V1) by FreePWING. So this can be used by EPWING viewers on Unix and the other OS (e.g. Windows or MacOS). o URL for the original dictionary: http://www1.nisiq.net/~cpulot/Dic.htm o URL for this converted dictionary:
japanese/lsd-fpw-3.0.1 (Score: 0.0070606926)
Japanese - English Dictionary for Life Science (EPWING V1 format)
This Japanese <--> English dictionary for Life Science was produced by Lsd Project. This file is converted from the original dictionary into JIS X 4081 format (that is a subset of EPWING V1) by FreePWING. So these can be used by EPWING viewers on Unix and the other OS (e.g. Windows or MacOS). o URL for the original dictionary: http://lsd.pharm.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ o URL for this converted dictionary:
japanese/pejv-fpw-1.0.4 (Score: 0.0070606926)
Esperanto-Japanese dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
This Esperanto-Japanese dictionary was produced by Mr. HIROTAKA Masaaki. This file is converted from the original dictionary into JIS X 4081 format (that is a subset of EPWING V1) by FreePWING. So this can be used by EPWING viewers on Unix and the other OS (e.g. Windows or MacOS). o URL for the original dictionary: http://www2.saganet.ne.jp/vastalto/ o URL for this converted dictionary:
japanese/ryaku-fpw-1.0.1 (Score: 0.0070606926)
Abbreviation (alphabet-->Japanese) dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
This dictionary is an abbreviation (alphabet-->Japanese) dictionary whose Japanese name is "Ryakugo Jisyo". It was produced by Mr. Yoshio Kobayashi. This file is converted from the original dictionary into JIS X 4081 format (that is a subset of EPWING V1) by FreePWING. So this can be used by EPWING viewers on Unix and the other OS (e.g. Windows or MacOS). o URL for the original dictionary: http://www.inv.co.jp/~yoshio/DW/Ryaku/Ryaku.htm o URL for this converted dictionary:
mail/turbomail-3.0.3 (Score: 0.0070606926)
Multi-threaded mail queue manager for TurboGears applications
TurboMail is a TurboGears extension, meaning that it starts up and shuts down alongside any TurboGears applications you write, in the same way that visit tracking and identity do. TurboMail uses built-in Python modules for SMTP communication and MIME e-mail creation, but greatly simplifies these tasks by performing the grunt-work for you. Additionally, TurboMail is multi-threaded, allowing for single or batch enqueueing and background delivery of mail.
misc/diction-1.11 (Score: 0.0070606926)
GNU diction and style
This is the GNU diction and style, free implementations of old standard Unix commands. For some reason, many modern systems lack them. Diction prints wordy and commonly misused phrases. Style analyses surface characteristics of a document, e.g. sentence length and various readability measures. Both commands support English and German documents. GNU style and diction are written by Michael Haardt http://www.moria.de/~michael/
net/openvswitch-2.3.3 (Score: 0.0070606926)
Production quality, multilayer virtual switch
Open vSwitch is a production quality, multilayer virtual switch licensed under the open source Apache 2.0 license. It is designed to enable massive network automation through programmatic extension, while still supporting standard management interfaces and protocols (e.g. NetFlow, sFlow, RSPAN, ERSPAN, CLI, LACP, 802.1ag). In addition, it is designed to support distribution across multiple physical servers similar to VMware's vNetwork distributed vswitch or Cisco's Nexus 1000V.