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Results 651660 of 17,773 for comment.zh_CN%3A%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.009 seconds)
x11/sxpc-1.4 (Score: 0.007132376)
Simple X Protocol Compressor
The Simple X Protocol Compressor This program provides compression of the X protocol stream. It is intended to be used to improve the performance of X applications over a slow internet connection. (e.g. slip,cslip. or term) It assumes a Unix operating system at both ends of the link. Transferring large bitmaps or images through sxpc may be slower than not using it. The algorithms used are geared primarily for the data exchanged during interactive use where the same data may be sent several times with only small changes. (e.g. editing) WARNING WARNING DANGER DANGER If you use this program use xauth to provide SECURITY, since host-based security will be BYPASSED. See README.xauth in the work sub-directory.
deskutils/devd-notifier-0.1 (Score: 0.007081249)
Daemon notifying the user about devd(8) events with libnotify
devd-notifer - a simple daemon notifying the user about devd(8) events with libnotify devd-notifier parses all devd(8) messages from /var/run/devd.pipe with a configurable regular expression and notifies the user about creating and destroying of device nodes.
net/Net-MAC-Vendor-1.2000 (Score: 0.007075155)
Look up the vendor for a MAC
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) assigns an Organizational Unique Identifier (OUI) to manufacturers of network interfaces. Each interface has a Media Access Control (MAC) address of six bytes. The first three bytes are the OUI. This module allows you to take a MAC address and turn it into the OUI and vendor information. You can, for instance, scan a network, collect MAC addresses, and turn those addresses into vendors. With vendor information, you can often guess at what you are looking at (e.g. an Apple product). You can use this as a module as its individual functions, or call it as a script with a list of MAC addresses as arguments. The module can figure it out. This module tries to persistently cache with DBM::Deep the OUI information so it can avoid using the network. If it cannot load DBM::Deep, it uses a normal hash (which is lost when the process finishes). You can preload this cache with the load_cache() function. So far, the module looks in the current working directory for a file named mac_oui.db to find the cache. I need to come up with a way to let the user set that location.
devel/mtdev-1.1.5 (Score: 0.0070733717)
Multitouch Protocol Translation Library
mtdev is a stand-alone library which transforms all variants of kernel MT events to the slotted type B protocol. The events put into mtdev may be from any MT device, specifically type A without contact tracking, type A with contact tracking, or type B with contact tracking. See Linux kernel documentation for further details.
devel/Class-Multimethods-Pure-0.13 (Score: 0.0070733717)
Method-ordered multimethod dispatch
You can define multimethods with the "multi" declarator: use Class::Multimethods::Pure; multi collide => ('Bullet', 'Ship') => sub { my ($a, $b) = @_; ... }; multi collide => ('Ship', 'Asteroid') => sub { my ($a, $b) = @_; ... }; It is usually wise to put such declarations within a BEGIN block, so they behave more like Perl treats subs (you can call them without parentheses and you can use them before you define them).
games/Games-Tournament-RoundRobin-0.03 (Score: 0.0070733717)
Round-Robin Tournament Schedule Pairings
Every member of a league of 2n players can be paired with every other member in 2n-1 rounds. If the league members are (Inf, 1 .. 2n-1), then in round i, i can be paired with Inf, and a can meet b, where a+b = 2i (mod 2n-1).
databases/BerkeleyDB-0.55 (Score: 0.0070606926)
Perl5 interface to the Berkeley DB package
This is the perl5 interface to Berkeley DB version 2, 3, 4 or 4.1, which it depends on. You may want to use this, instead of the default dbm that perl provides, as that one is based on version 1, which is seriously buggy. E.g., if keys or data are over a hundred bytes or so, bad things may happen to your dbm files. Never mind all the extra features....
devel/Getopt-ArgvFile-1.11 (Score: 0.0070606926)
Perl module for processing argument vectors
Module Getopt::ArgvFile is a simple supplement to other option handling modules. It allows script options and parameters to be read from files instead of from the command line by interpolating file contents into @ARGV. This way it PREPARES the final option handling. Getopt::ArgvFile does NOT perform any option processing itself, and should work fine together with any other option handling module (e.g. Getopt::Long) or even self coded option handling. -Anton <tobez@FreeBSD.org>
dns/totd-1.5.1 (Score: 0.0070606926)
DNS proxy that supports IPv6 <==> IPv4 record translation
Totd is a small DNS proxy nameserver that supports IPv6 only hosts/networks that communicate with the IPv4 world using some translation mechanism. Examples of such translation mechanisms currently in use are: * IPv6/IPv4 Network Address and Packet Translation (NAT-PT) implemented e.g. by Cisco. * Application level translators as the faithd implemented by the KAME project (http://www.kame.net). See faithd(8) on *BSD/Kame.
games/mopesnake-0.5 (Score: 0.0070606926)
Classic snake game in which you attempt to eat all the pain
Master Of Pain (Eating) - Snake Is a classic snake game in which you attempt to eat all the pain in the world, bravely accepting the inevitable consequences for your waistline. mop(e)snake features an innovative single-finger control method, as well as the normal four-directional control system familiar to fans of snake. The game doesn't feature any of the extra features, bonuses, wrap-around levels and other featuritis that ruins most versions of snake.