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x11/xnee-3.19 (Score: 0.0071961908)
X11 events recorder and player
Xnee receives X11 protocol data (e.g. XEvents) from an X server and prints them to a file (or stdout). By recording events such as MapNotify, the replaying of events can be synchronized. This is not only useful but essential. We can not replay or regenerate keyboard-events to a window before it's ready to "receive" events. By recording events and requests synchronization can be implemented. Xnee can also distribute events (both when recording and replaying) to other displays.
mail/spamd-4.9.1 (Score: 0.007159784)
Traps spammers with a very slow smtp-login and return 4xx error
Spamd is a fake sendmail(8)-like daemon which rejects false mail. It is designed to be very efficient so that it does not slow down the receiving machine. spamd considers sending hosts to be of three types: blacklisted hosts are redirected to spamd and tarpitted i.e. they are communicated with very slowly to consume the sender's resources. Mail is rejected with either a 450 or 550 error message. A blacklisted host will not be allowed to talk to a real mail server. whitelisted hosts do not talk to spamd. Their connections are instead sent to a real mail server, such as sendmail(8). greylisted hosts are redirected to spamd, but spamd has not yet decided if they are likely spammers. They are given a temporary failure message by spamd when they try to deliver mail.
devel/ResourcePool-1.0107 (Score: 0.0071590682)
Generic way to use connection caching for any kind of resources
The ResourcePool is a generic connection caching and pooling management facility. It might be used in an Apache/mod_perl environment to support connection caching like Apache::DBI for non-DBI resources (e.g. Net::LDAP). It's also useful in a stand alone perl application to handle connection pools. The key benefit of ResourcePool is the generic design which makes it easily extensible to new resource types. The ResourcePool has a simple check mechanism to detect and close broken connections (e.g. if the database server was restarted) and opens new connections if possible. If you are new to ResourcePool you should go to the ResourcePool::BigPicture documentation which provides the best entry point to this module. The ResourcePool itself handles always exactly equivalent connections (e.g. connections to the same server with the same user-name and password) and is therefore not able to do a load balancing. The ResourcePool::LoadBalancer is able to do a advanced load balancing across different servers and increases the overall availability by applying a failover policy if there is a server breakdown.
graphics/opencsg-1.3.2 (Score: 0.0071590682)
Constructive Solid Geometry rendering library
OpenCSG is a library that does image-based CSG rendering using OpenGL. OpenCSG is written in C++ and supports most modern graphics hardware. CSG is short for Constructive Solid Geometry and denotes an approach to model complex 3D-shapes using simpler ones. I.e., two shapes can be combined by taking the union of them, by intersecting them, or by subtracting one shape of the other. The most basic shapes, which are not result of such a CSG operation, are called primitives. Primitives must be solid, i.e., they must have a clearly defined interior and exterior. By construction, a CSG shape is also solid then. Image-based CSG rendering (also z-buffer CSG rendering) is a term that denotes algorithms for rendering CSG shapes without an explicit calculation of the geometric boundary of a CSG shape. Such algorithms use frame-buffer settings of the graphics hardware, e.g., the depth and stencil buffer, to compose CSG shapes. OpenCSG implements a variety of those algorithms, namely the Goldfeather algorithm and the SCS algorithm, both of them in several variants.
devel/afay-041111 (Score: 0.0071401536)
Improved aflex and ayacc Ada 95 scanner and parser generators
This is a modified version of Aflex/Ayacc for Ada95 parent/child feature support. A new directive "%unit A.B.C" has been added, enabling the Ada unit A.B.C to be the parent of the generated lexer/parser. Aflex/Ayacc are copyrighted by the The University of California.
devel/hachoir-regex-1.0.5 (Score: 0.0071401536)
Regular expression manipulation library
hachoir-regex is a Python library for regular expression manipulation. You can use a|b (or) and a+b (and) operators. Expressions are optimized during the construction: merge ranges, simplify repetitions, etc. It also contains a class for pattern matching allowing to search multiple strings and regex at the same time.
games/enemyterritory-tce-0.49 (Score: 0.007132376)
Modern tactical Enemy Territory modification
Based on the popular Quake3 modification, "True Combat", TC:E provides a realistic combat simulator set against the backdrop of modern urban warfare. The player can expect thrilling shootouts, an emphasis on tactical team play, engaging close quarter fighting and some of the best weapons of modern warfare. Being accessible to both veteran players and those new to the world of tactical simulators is only one of TC:E's many strengths. Map authors can customize weapon load outs, skins, objectives and even the voice chats for each of their maps. Key features: * A full game completely free for download * Mission-based online multiplayer game * Soft player class system (assault, recon, sniper) * Rounds with skill-based "Armament Availability System" * Voice Communication System designed in collaboration with real SWAT Members * Iron sight aiming system with ACOG and reflex sights * Still in development: mission system - future versions will integrate various objectives into the game
mail/procmail-3.22 (Score: 0.007132376)
Local mail delivery agent
The procmail mail processing program can be used to create mail-servers, mailing lists, sort your incoming mail into separate folders/files (real convenient when subscribing to one or more mailing lists or for prioritising your mail), preprocess your mail, start any programs upon mail arrival (e.g. to generate different chimes on your workstation for different types of mail) or selectively forward certain incoming mail automatically to someone. Procmail can be used: - and installed by an unprivileged user (for himself only). - as a drop in replacement for the local delivery agent /bin/mail (with biff/comsat support). - as a general mailfilter for whole groups of messages (e.g. when called from within sendmail.cf rules). The accompanying formail program enables you to generate autoreplies, split up digests/mailboxes into the original messages, do some very simple header-munging/extraction, or force mail into mail-format (with leading From line).
sysutils/stow-2.2.2 (Score: 0.007132376)
GNU version of Carnegie Mellon's "Depot" program
This is GNU Stow, a program for managing the installation of software packages, keeping them separate (/usr/local/stow/emacs vs. /usr/local/stow/perl, for example) while making them appear to be installed in the same place (/usr/local). Stow was inspired by Carnegie Mellon's "Depot" program, but is substantially simpler. Whereas Depot requires database files to keep things in sync, Stow stores no extra state between runs, so there's no danger (as there is in Depot) of mangling directories when file hierarchies don't match the database. Also unlike Depot, Stow will never delete any files, directories, or links that appear in a Stow directory (e.g., /usr/local/stow/emacs), so it's always possible to rebuild the target tree (e.g., /usr/local).
x11-fm/catseye-fm- (Score: 0.007132376)
Clear, fast, powerful file browser using gtk+2.0
This is Cat'sEyE (catseye-fm), a filesystem browser using gtk+2. Main goals: clear view, powerfull, no icons, fast. Cat'sEyE gots its power by the configuration file where the user can (but not has to) 'create' dialogs and build complicated commandlines which Cat'sEyE calls to the Shell. You can define how the items are called to some program: each item (e.g. for viewing some pictures), all items (e.g. for listen to some music) or processed in a list, calling one item after each other waiting for the previouse item to finish. FileShelfs help you to keep track of your data spread out over the whole filesystem, but also belonging together such as configfiles.