Ports 搜索

net/Net-INET6Glue-0.6 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Make common modules IPv6 ready by hotpatching
Net::INET6Glue is a collection of modules to make common modules IPv6 ready by hotpatching them. Unfortunatly the current state of IPv6 support in perl is that no IPv6 support is in the core and that a lot of important modules (like Net::FTP, Net::SMTP, LWP,...) do not support IPv6 even if the modules for IPv6 sockets Socket6, IO::Socket::INET6 are available. This module tries to mitigate this by hotpatching.
net/Net-IP-RangeCompare-4.025 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Perl extension for IP Range Comparisons
Fast scalable ip range aggregation and summary tool kit. Find intersections across multiple lists of IP ranges, fast. Although similar in functionality to Net::CIDR::Compare, Net::Netmask and NetAddr::IP, Net::IP::RangeCompare is a completely range driven ip management and evaluation tool allowing more flexibility and scalability when dealing with the somewhat organic nature of IP-Ranges. If you have a large number of ipv4 ranges and need to inventory lists of ranges for intersections, this is the Module for you!
net/Net-SDP-0.07 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Session Description Protocol (RFC 2327) packet parser/generator
Net::SDP is an SDP (Session Description Protocol) parser and generator. Net::SDP is object oriented and a single instance of Net::SDP represents a single SDP session description. There are methods to easily get, set and create each of the fields in the session description. The classes Net::SDP::Time and Net::SDP::Media are automatically instantiated for each Time Description (t=) and Media Description (m=).
net/pbnc-1.0 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Simple userspace TCP port bouncer
pbnc runs in userland and acts as a simple TCP port forwarder. It has a single-threaded design (uses select(), does not fork). It can handle multiple targets with an unlimited number of clients (at least in theory), and supports simple IP-based access control. Since pbnc works on network level, it does not care about the application protocol. It can tunnel FTP (control connection), SSH, HTTP and all other protocols using TCP communication. Application-level SSL/TLS encryption is also no problem.
net/Net_URL_Mapper-0.9.1 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Simple and flexible way to build nice URLs for web applications
Net_URL_Mapper provides a simple and flexible way to build nice URLs for your web applications. The URL syntax is similar to what can be found in Ruby on Rails or Python Routes module and as such, this package can be compared to what they call a router. Still, Net_URL_Mapper does not perform the dispatching like these frameworks and therefore can be used with your own router.
net/proxychains-ng-4.11 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Redirect connection through proxy servers
ProxyChains NG is based on ProxyChains. ProxyChains NG hooks network-related (TCP only) libc functions in dynamically linked programs via a preloaded DSO (dynamic shared object) and redirects the connections through one or more SOCKS4a/5 or HTTP proxies. Since Proxy Chains NG relies on the dynamic linker, statically linked binaries are not supported. Adjust ~/.proxychains/proxychains.conf for your Proxy and use ProxyChains NG with proxychains application
net/rsync-bpc- (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Modified rsync that used as part of BackupPC
Rsync-bpc is a customized version of rsync that is used as part of BackupPC, an open source backup system. The main change to rsync is adding a shim layer that emulates the system calls for accessing the file system so that rsync can directly read/write files in BackupPC's format. Rsync-bpc is fully line-compatible with vanilla rsync, so it can talk to rsync servers and clients. Rsync-bpc serves no purpose outside of BackupPC.
net/twitter-1.17.1 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Python API and command-line toolset for Twitter
The Minimalist Twitter API for Python is a Python API for Twitter, everyone's favorite Web 2.0 Facebook-style status updater for people on the go. Also included is a twitter command-line tool for getting your friends' tweets and setting your own tweet from the safety and security of your favorite shell and an IRC bot that can announce Twitter updates to an IRC channel.
net/openmpi-1.10.4 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
High Performance Message Passing Library
Open MPI is a project combining technologies and resources from several other projects (FT-MPI, LA-MPI, LAM/MPI, and PACX-MPI) in order to build the best MPI library available. A completely new MPI-2 compliant implementation, Open MPI offers advantages for system and software vendors, application developers and computer science researchers. Open MPI is based on an open component architecture allowing modular replacement of many system components without recompilation.
net/zsi-2.1.a1 (Score: 6.4104104E-5)
Pure Python implementation of SOAP 1.1
Paraphrasing the original (2.0) website: ZSI, the Zolera SOAP Infrastructure, is a Python package that provides an implementation of SOAP messaging, as described in The SOAP 1.1 Specification. In particular, ZSI parses and generates SOAP messages, and converts between native Python datatypes and SOAP syntax. ZSI, the Zolera SOAP Infrastructure, is a pure Python module that provides an implementation of the SOAP 1.1 specification. Simple client and server support are also provided.