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Results 2130 of 213 for %2Fnet-im%2F.(0.065 seconds)
devel/Data-Lock-1.03 (Score: 0.033348266)
Make variables (im)?mutable
Data::Lock makes the specified variable immutable like Readonly. Unlike Readonly which implements immutability via tie, Data::Lock makes use of the internal flag of perl SV so it imposes almost no penalty. Like Readonly, Data::Lock locks not only the variable itself but also elements therein. You can Data::Lock objects as well.
japanese/fcitx-skk-0.1.2 (Score: 0.032039862)
SKK support for Fcitx
fcitx-skk provides SKK as a back-end to the Fcitx IM framework.
korean/fcitx-hangul-0.3.0 (Score: 0.032039862)
Hangul support for Fcitx
fcitx-hangul provides Korean input back-end to the Fcitx IM framework.
polish/libtlen-20041113 (Score: 0.031903397)
Backend for interoperability with Tlen.pl, Polish IM network
A libtlen is a backend library to implement interoperability with Poland's Jabber protocol based Tlen.pl IM network.
polish/tleenx2-20040214 (Score: 0.031903397)
Client for polish IM service called Tlen.pl
TleenX2 is a tlen.pl (Polish IM protocol based on Jabber) client for X Window System with Gtk+-2.0 library.
math/Statistics-Contingency-0.09 (Score: 0.031394903)
Calculate precision, recall, F1, accuracy, etc
The "Statistics::Contingency" class helps you calculate several useful statistical measures based on 2x2 "contingency tables". I use these measures to help judge the results of automatic text categorization experiments, but they are useful in other situations as well. The general usage flow is to tally a whole bunch of results in the "Statistics::Contingency" object, then query that object to obtain the measures you are interested in. When all results have been collected, you can get a report on accuracy, precision, recall, F1, and so on, with both macro-averaging and micro-averaging over categories.
textproc/scim-table-imengine-0.5.10 (Score: 0.030532721)
SCIM table based input method engine
Smart Common Input Method platform, in short SCIM, is a development platform to make Input Method developers live easier. It has very clear architecture and very simple programming interface. This is the im engine for table based input methods.
chinese/fcitx-chewing-0.2.2 (Score: 0.030459758)
Chewing support for Fcitx
fcitx-chewing provides Chewing, an intelligent phonetic input method engine, as a back-end to the Fcitx IM framework.
chinese/fcitx-libpinyin-0.3.2 (Score: 0.030459758)
Libpinyin support for Fcitx
fcitx-libpinyin provides libpinyin, a Chinese pinyin input method algorithm collection, as a back-end to the Fcitx IM framework.
chinese/fcitx-table-extra-0.3.7 (Score: 0.030459758)
Table-based input methods for Fcitx
fcitx-table-extra provides Boshiamy, Zhengma, Cangjie, and Quick input methods driven by the fcitx-table IM engine.