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Results 441450 of 5,623 for /devel/.(0.003 seconds)
devel/easygit-0.98 (Score: 0.032514982)
Easy wrapper for git
Easy GIT is a single-file wrapper script for git, designed to make git easy to learn and use.
devel/eblob-0.18.2 (Score: 0.032514982)
Append-only low-level I/O library
Eblob is a low-level local append-only (configurable) storage system. It combines fast read/write performance with configuration simplicity and rich feature set. Its main goal was to provide bullet-proof low-level backend for Elliptics distributed storage (this is default backend now).
devel/edb-0.9.18 (Score: 0.032514982)
Cross-platform x86/x86-64 debugger based on Qt 4
edb (Evan's Debugger) is a cross platform x86/x86-64 debugger. It was inspired by OllyDbg, but aims to function on x86 and x86-64 as well as multiple OS's. Linux is the only officially supported platform at the moment, but FreeBSD, OpenBSD, OSX and Windows ports are underway with varying degrees of functionality.
devel/editline-1.15.2 (Score: 0.032514982)
Minix editline: A free readline() for UNIX
This is a line editing library. It can be linked into almost any program to provide command-line editing and history. It is call-compatible with the FSF readline library, but is a fraction of the size (and offers fewer features). The editline library was created by Simmule Turner and Rich Salz back in 1992. At the time they chose to distribute the code under a "C News-like" copyright, see the file LICENSE for details. The small size (<30k), lack of dependencies (no ncurses needed!) and the free license should make this library interesting to many embedded developers
devel/efivar-0.15 (Score: 0.032514982)
Tools and library to manipulate EFI variables
Tools and library to manipulate EFI variables.
devel/egypt-1.10 (Score: 0.032514982)
Create call graphs of C programs
Egypt is a simple tool for creating call graphs of C programs. Egypt neither analyzes source code nor lays out graphs. Instead, it leaves the source code analysis to GCC and the graph layout to Graphviz, both of which are better at their respective jobs than egypt itself could ever hope to be. Egypt is simply a very small Perl script that glues these existing tools together.
devel/cmake-modules-webos-1.0.b (Score: 0.032514982)
CMake modules needed to build WebOS components
CMake modules for WebOS builds that are part of FreeWebOS project.
devel/eiffelstudio-5.7 (Score: 0.032514982)
Complete Integrated Development Environment for Eiffel
While Eiffel is widely regarded as the best language for creating fast, robust, scalable applications, EiffelStudioTM is the only tool for realizing the full power of the Eiffel Development FrameworkTM. It is available under a Dual Licensing model. Users can use either commercial or Open Source licensing. EiffelStudio is more than just an IDE. Imagine being able to model your system as you think - capturing your requirements and your thought processes in Eiffel. Then, when you are ready to Design, you build upon the model you just created, still in Eiffel. And then you implement, in Eiffel. You never need to throw anything out and start over. You don't need extra tools to be able to go back and make changes in architecture safely. Roundtrip engineering? It's built in by design. Testing, metrics and productivity tools? They're built in. And debugging? Eiffel's native Design by ContractTM prevents 90% of the bugs from ever occurring in the first place - and what bugs remain are easily traced and repaired, typically within ten minutes.
devel/elf-0.5.4p1 (Score: 0.032514982)
Commandline based ELF header analyzer
ELF is a command line based ELF header analyzer. This tool allows you to easily parse the ehdr of ELF object files into a human readable format (and various other formats). This is a very good source of both source code (for people learning the ELF) and information for developers that care about the internals of object files that is generated for them.
devel/elfio-1.0.3 (Score: 0.032514982)
C++ library for reading and generating files in the ELF binary format
ELFIO is a C++ library for reading and generating files in the ELF binary format. This library is unique and not based on any other product. It is also platform independent. The library uses standard ANSI C++ constructions and runs on a wide variety of architectures.