Ports 搜索

archivers/grzip-0.3.0 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
Efficient file compressor
grzip is a high-performance file compressor based on Burrows-Wheeler Transform, Schindler Transform, Move-To-Front, and Weighted Frequency Counting. It uses the Block-Sorting Lossless Data Compression Algorithm, which has received considerable attention in recent years for both its simplicity and effectiveness. This implementation has a compression rate of 2.234 bps on the Calgary Corpus (14 files) without preprocessing filters.
archivers/libcomprex-0.3.3 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
Transparently handles automatic compression and decompression of files
The libcomprex library transparently handles automatic compression and decompression of files. The API is similar to C's built-in file access functions, which provides a smooth transition to libcomprex. libcomprex can also open uncompressed files, making it a good replacement for the native file access functions.
archivers/libpar2-0.4 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
Library for manipulating PAR2 files, extracted from par2cmdline
Libpar2 is a library for manipulating par2 files, extracted from par2cmdline Libpar2 is a library for creating and using PAR2 files to detect damage in data files and repair them if necessary. It can be used with any kind of file. Par files are especially popular on Usenet.
archivers/lzfse-20160707 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
Lempel-Ziv style data compression algorithm
This is a reference C implementation of the LZFSE compressor introduced in the Compression library with OS X 10.11 and iOS 9. LZFSE is a Lempel-Ziv style data compression algorithm using Finite State Entropy coding. It targets similar compression rates at higher compression and decompression speed compared to deflate using zlib.
archivers/lzma-9.22 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
High-ratio LZMA compressor
This is a simple command line implementation of the LZMA compression algorithm from the LZMA SDK. It uses a raw LZMA format instead of the xz or 7z container formats, and produces compression ratios that are usually about 25-30% better than bzip2, and decompression speeds that are about twice as fast. The disadvantages are higher CPU and RAM requirements for compression.
archivers/Archive-Any-Lite-0.11 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
Simple CPAN package extractor
Archive::Any::Lite is a fork of Archive::Any. The main difference is this works properly even when you fork(), and may require less memory to extract a tarball. On the other hand, this isn't pluggable (this only supports file formats used in the CPAN toolchains), and this doesn't check mime types (at least as of this writing).
archivers/plzip-1.5 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
Parallel, lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm
Plzip is a massively parallel (multi-threaded), lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm, with very safe integrity checking and a user interface similar to the one of gzip or bzip2. Plzip uses the lzip file format; the files produced by plzip are fully compatible with lzip-1.4 or newer.
archivers/bz2file-0.98 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
Read and write bzip2-compressed files
Bz2file is a Python library for reading and writing bzip2-compressed files. It contains a drop-in replacement for the file interface in the standard library's bz2 module, including features from the latest development version of CPython that are not available in older releases.
archivers/rcssmin-1.0.6 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
Fast CSS minifier for Python
This module is a re-implementation aiming for speed instead of maximum compression, so it can be used at runtime (rather than during a preprocessing step). RCSSmin does syntactical compression only (removing spaces, comments and possibly semicolons). It does not provide semantic compression (like removing empty blocks, collapsing redundant properties etc). It does, however, support various CSS hacks (by keeping them working as intended).
archivers/rpm2cpio-1.4 (Score: 7.3261835E-5)
Convert .rpm files to cpio format
Convert .rpm files to cpio format. Why does the world need another rpm2cpio? because the existing one won't build unless you have half a ton of things that aren't really required for it, since it uses the same library used to extract RPM's. This version is just a tiny wrapper around bsdtar.