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Results 211220 of 417 for /lang/.(0.011 seconds)
lang/opendylan-2013.2 (Score: 0.13971135)
Open Dylan project native command-line compiler for Dylan
Open Dylan compiles to native code and has a full-featured IDE including an incremental development mode, browsing of runtime objects, remote debugging, etc. Open Dylan currently only runs on the x86 platform and the IDE does not yet run on the Linux version. Open Dylan is in many ways a mature implementation. If you are new to the language, choose Open Dylan if you can.
lang/p2c-2.01 (Score: 0.13971135)
Pascal to C translator
P2c is a tool for translating Pascal programs into C. The input consists of a set of source files in any of the following Pascal dialects: HP Pascal, Turbo/UCSD Pascal, DEC VAX Pascal, Oregon Software Pascal/2, Macintosh Programmer's Workshop Pascal, Sun/Berkeley Pascal, Texas Instruments Pascal, Apollo Domain Pascal. Modula-2 syntax is also supported. Output is a set of .c and .h files that comprise an equivalent program in any of several dialects of C. Output code may be kept machine- and dialect independent, or it may be targeted to a specific machine and compiler. Most reasonable Pascal programs are converted into fully functional C which will compile and run with no further modifications, although p2c sometimes chooses to generate readable code at the expense of absolute generality. P2c endeavors to insert notes and warning messages into the output code to point out areas which may require human intervention. Output code is arranged to be readable and efficient, and to make use of C idioms wherever possible. The main goal of the translation is to produce C files which are pleasant and "natural" enough to be acceptable as the new source files for a program. In a pinch, p2c will also serve as an ad hoc Pascal compiler. The p2cc script makes it easy to use p2c as a compiler.
lang/beignet-1.2.0 (Score: 0.13971135)
OpenCL library for Intel GPUs
Beignet contains the code to run OpenCL programs on Intel GPUs, which defines and implements host functions required to initialize the device, create the command queues, the kernels, and the programs and run them on the GPU. It also contains the compiler part of the stack.
lang/Data-JavaScript-1.13 (Score: 0.13971135)
Data::JavaScript - Dump perl structures to JavaScript code
This module is aimed mainly for CGI programming, when a perl script generates a page with client side JavaScript code that needs access to structures created on the server. It works by creating one line of JavaScript code per datum. Therefore, structures cannot be created anonymously and needed to be assigned to variables. This enables dumping big structures.
lang/Error-0.17024 (Score: 0.13971135)
Error/exception handling in object-oriented programming style
Error - Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way This module, which provides support for throwing and catching Error (i.e. exception) objects.
lang/Expect-1.33 (Score: 0.13971135)
Perl module inspired by the Tcl version of Expect
p5-Expect is a perl module inspired by the Tcl version of Expect.
lang/ExtUtils-F77-1.20 (Score: 0.13971135)
Helps link C programs with Fortran subroutines
This module tries to figure out how to link C programs with Fortran subroutines on your system. Basically one must add a list of Fortran runtime libraries. The problem is their location and name varies with each OS/compiler combination!
lang/Interpolation-0.74 (Score: 0.13971135)
Implement arbitrary string interpolation semantics for Perl
Beginners always want to write this: print "The sum of three and four is: 3+4"; And they want the 3+4 part to be evaluated, so that it prints this: The sum of three and four is: 7 Of course, it's a double-quoted string, so it's not evaluated. The only things that are evaluated in double-quoted strings are variable references. There are solutions to this, but most of them are ugly. This module is less ugly.
lang/JSAN-0.07 (Score: 0.13971135)
JavaScript Archive Network (JSAN) Shell
JSAN -- JavaScript Archive Network (JSAN) Shell
lang/JavaScript-SpiderMonkey-0.21 (Score: 0.13971135)
Perl interface to Mozilla JavaScript implementation
JavaScript::SpiderMonkey is a Perl Interface to the SpiderMonkey JavaScript Engine. It is different from Claes Jacobsson's "JavaScript.pm" in that it offers more friendly, Perl-like API.