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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第2,6912,700项(搜索用时0.008秒)
multimedia/vdr-plugin-iptv-1.0.1 (Score: 0.0027244585)
Video Disk Recorder - IP television plugin
This is an IPTV plugin for the Video Disk Recorder (VDR). This plugin integrates multicast IPTV transport streams seamlessly into VDR. You can use any IPTV channel like any other normal DVB channel for live viewing, recording, etc. The plugin also features full section filtering capabilities which allow for example EIT information to be extracted from the incoming stream. Currently the IPTV plugin has direct support for both multicast UDP/RTP and unicast HTTP MPEG1/2 transport streams. Also a file input method is supported, but a file delay must be selected individually to prevent VDR's transfer buffer over/underflow. Therefore the file input should be considered as a testing feature only. IPTV plugin also features a support for external streaming applications. With proper helper applications and configuration IPTV plugin is able to display not only MPEG1/2 transport streams but also other formats like MP3 radio streams, mms video streams and so on.
net/owamp-3.3 (Score: 0.0027244585)
Implementation of the One-Way Active Measurement Protocol
OWAMP is a command line client application and a policy daemon used to determine one way latencies between hosts. It is an implementation of the OWAMP protocol as defined by http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4656.txt. (When referring to the protocol within this document, "OWAMP" will be in italicized. In all other instances, "OWAMP" will be referring to this implementation.) With roundtrip-based measurements, it is hard to isolate the direction in which congestion is experienced. One-way measurements solve this problem and make the direction of congestion immediately apparent. Since traffic can be asymmetric at many sites that are primarily producers or consumers of data, this allows for more informative measurements. One-way measurements allow the user to better isolate the effects of specific parts of a network on the treatment of traffic.
net/OurNet-BBS-1.66 (Score: 0.0027244585)
Component Object Model for BBS systems
OurNet-BBS is a cross-protocol distributed network, built as an abstraction layer over telnet BBS-based systems used in Hong Kong, China and Taiwan. It implements a flexible object model for different BBS backends, along with an asymmetric authentication and remote procedure call protocol. This project aims to become a protocol agnostic middle-ware solution for identity-based information storage & retrieval, much like the Project Jabber's goal toward instant messaging, or Project JXTA's aim toward distributed services. If you are new to the telnet-bbs platform, please download a copy of Melix BBS software (in English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese) at http://melix.elixus.org/. For some of its practical uses, search for OurNet::BBSApp on CPAN, and the sample scripts in the eg/ directory in this module's distribution.
security/Crypt-RC4-2.02 (Score: 0.0027244585)
Perl implementation of the RC4 encryption algorithm
A simple implementation of the RC4 algorithm, developed by RSA Security, Inc. Here is the description from RSA's website: RC4 is a stream cipher designed by Rivest for RSA Data Security (now RSA Security). It is a variable key-size stream cipher with byte-oriented operations. The algorithm is based on the use of a random permutation. Analysis shows that the period of the cipher is overwhelmingly likely to be greater than 10100. Eight to sixteen machine operations are required per output byte, and the cipher can be expected to run very quickly in software. Independent analysts have scrutinized the algorithm and it is considered secure. Based substantially on the "RC4 in 3 lines of perl" found at http://www.cypherspace.org Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
textproc/htmlize.el-1.39 (Score: 0.0027244585)
Emacs major mode to create HTML files from Emacs buffers (in colour!)
Emacs major mode to create HTML files from Emacs buffers (in colour!) This major mode will output the contents of an Emacs buffer as a HTML file, preserving the colour attributes of that buffer. This is a pretty elegant solution to produce nice listings of your code in Erlang, C++, SML, Ruby (or whatever esoteric language you can dig out a major mode for) to display on web sites. As an example watch the ELISP code of this major mode http://fly.srk.fer.hr/~hniksic/emacs/htmlize.el.html Because the colouring depends only on your major mode and perhaps some individual settings (e.g. I prefer a dark background) you can turn any Emacs buffer into HTML.
textproc/libtextcat-2.2 (Score: 0.0027244585)
Language guessing by N-Gram-Based Text Categorization
Libtextcat is a library with functions that implement the classification technique described in Cavnar & Trenkle, "N-Gram-Based Text Categorization" [1]. It was primarily developed for language guessing, a task on which it is known to perform with near-perfect accuracy. The central idea of the Cavnar & Trenkle technique is to calculate a "fingerprint" of a document with an unknown category, and compare this with the fingerprints of a number of documents of which the categories are known. The categories of the closest matches are output as the classification. A fingerprint is a list of the most frequent n-grams occurring in a document, ordered by frequency. Fingerprints are compared with a simple out-of-place metric. [1] The document that started it all: William B. Cavnar & John M. Trenkle (1994) N-Gram-Based Text Categorization, <http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/68861.html>.
textproc/CAM-PDF-1.60 (Score: 0.0027244585)
PDF manipulation library
This package reads and writes any document that conforms to the PDF specification generously provided by Adobe at http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/pdf/index_reference.html The file format is well-supported, with the exception of the "linearized" or "optimized" output format, which this module can read but not write. Many specific aspects of the document model are not manipulable with this package (like fonts), but if the input document is correctly written, then this module will preserve the model integrity. This library grants you some power over the PDF security model. Note that applications editing PDF documents via this library MUST respect the security preferences of the document. Any violation of this respect is contrary to Adobe's intellectual property position, as stated in the reference manual at the above URL.
textproc/CQL-Parser-1.13 (Score: 0.0027244585)
Compiles CQL strings into parse trees of Node subtypes
CQL::Parser provides a mechanism to parse Common Query Language (CQL) statements. The best description of CQL comes from the CQL homepage at the Library of Congress http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/zing/cql/ CQL is a formal language for representing queries to information retrieval systems such as web indexes, bibliographic catalogs and museum collection information. The CQL design objective is that queries be human readable and human writable, and that the language be intuitive while maintaining the expressiveness of more complex languages. A CQL statement can be as simple as a single keyword, or as complicated as a set of compoenents indicating search indexes, relations, relational modifiers, proximity clauses and boolean logic. CQL::Parser will parse CQL statements and return the root node for a tree of nodes which describes the CQL statement. This data structure can then be used by a client application to analyze the statement, and possibly turn it into a query for a local repository.
textproc/MKDoc-XML-0.75 (Score: 0.0027244585)
The MKDoc XML Toolkit
MKDoc is a web content management system written in Perl which focuses on standards compliance, accessiblity and usability issues, and multi-lingual websites. At MKDoc Ltd we have decided to gradually break up our existing commercial software into a collection of completely independent, well-documented, well-tested open-source CPAN modules. Ultimately we want MKDoc code to be a coherent collection of module distributions, yet each distribution should be usable and useful in itself. MKDoc::XML is part of this effort. You could help us and turn some of MKDoc's code into a CPAN module. You can take a look at the existing code at http://download.mkdoc.org/. If you are interested in some functionality which you would like to see as a standalone CPAN module, send an email to <mkdoc-modules@lists.webarch.co.uk>
www/quick-locale-switcher- (Score: 0.0027244585)
Quickly change and apply a different locale from the tools menu
Allows you to quickly change and apply a different locale from the tools menu: * Handy tool for all people involved with multilingual usage of Mozilla applications. * Switches the Mozilla User Interface language (general.useragent.locale preference) * Switches the accept_language preference, so complete websites will be translated. (if the http accept language header is supported, e.g. like Google does) * Switches the Spell Checker Dictionary preference. (if supported by your Mozilla application) * Remembers the dictionary and content locale for each site and automatically switches when you load that site. It also tries to detect the language of sites itself, and if found automatically switches to that language. * Auto restarts the application in versions 1.4+ (only if needed) * Includes country flag icons for 'all' countries by famfamfam.com. * Displays the flag of the currently selected locale on your statusbar. * Add 3 of your own custom defined locales.