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biology/seqtools-4.43.0 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
Tools for visualising sequence alignments
A suite of tools for visualising sequence alignments. Blixem is an interactive browser of pairwise alignments that have been stacked up in a "master-slave" multiple alignment; it is not a 'true' multiple alignment but a 'one-to-many' alignment. Belvu is a multiple sequence alignment viewer and phylogenetic tool. It has an extensive set of user-configurable modes to color residues by conservation or by residue type, and some basic alignment editing capabilities. Dotter is a graphical dot-matrix program for detailed comparison of two sequences. Every residue in one sequence is compared to every residue in the other, with one sequence plotted on the x-axis and the other on the y-axis.
comms/conserver-8.2.1 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
Application that allows multiple users to watch serial consoles
Conserver is an application that allows multiple users to watch a serial console at the same time. It can log the data, allows users to take write-access of a console (one at a time), and has a variety of bells and whistles to accentuate that basic functionality. The idea is that conserver will log all your serial traffic so you can go back and review why something crashed, look at changes (if done on the console), or tie the console logs into a monitoring system (just watch the logfiles it creates). With multi-user capabilities you can work on equipment with others, mentor, train, etc. It also does all that client-server stuff so that, assuming you have a network connection, you can interact with any of the equipment from home or wherever.
converters/MIME-Base64-3.15 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
Perl5 module for Base64 and Quoted-Printable encodings
This package contains a base64 encoder/decoder and a quoted-printable encoder/decoder. These encoding methods are specified in RFC 2045 - MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions). The base64 encoding is designed to represent arbitrary sequences of octets in a form that need not be humanly readable. A 65-character subset ([A-Za-z0-9+/=]) of US-ASCII is used, enabling 6 bits to be represented per printable character. The quoted-printable encoding is intended to represent data that largely consists of bytes that correspond to printable characters in the ASCII character set. Non-printable characters are represented by a triplet consisting of the character "=" followed by two hexadecimal digits. The MIME::Base64 and MIME::QuotedPrint modules used to be part of libwww-perl package. They are now distributed separately (this package). The main improvement is that the base64 encoder/decoder is implemented by XS functions. This makes it about 20 times faster than the old implementation in perl.
databases/mtools-1.2.1 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
Setup test environments; parse, filter and visualize MongoDB log files
Mtools is a collection of helper scripts to parse and filter MongoDB log files (mongod, mongos), visualize log files and quickly set up complex MongoDB test environments on a local machine: * mlogfilter * slices log files by time, merges log files, filters slow queries, finds table scans, shortens log lines, filters by other atributes, convert to JSON; * mloginfo * returns info about log file, like start and end time, version, binary, special sections like restarts, connections, distinct view; * mplotqueries * visualize logfiles with different types of plots; * mlogvis * creates a self-contained html file that shows an interactive visualization in a web browser (as an alternative to mplotqueries); * mlaunch * a script to quickly spin up local test environments, including replica sets and sharded systems; * mgenerate * generates structured pseudo-random data based on a template for testing and reproduction.
devel/dmucs-0.6.1 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
Distributed Multi-User Compilation System (for use with distcc)
DMUCS is a system that allows a group of users to share a compilation farm. Each compilation request from each user will be sent to the fastest available machine, every time. The system has these fine qualities: * Supports multiple users compiling simultaneously, and scales well to handle the new loads. * Supports multiple operating systems in the compilation farm. * Uses all processors of a multi-processor compilation host. * Makes best use of compilation hosts with widely differing CPU speeds. * Guarantees that a compilation host will not be overloaded by compilations. * Takes into account the load on a host caused by non-compilation tasks. * Supports the dynamic addition and removal of hosts to the compilation farm. * Works with distcc, which need not be altered in any way.
devel/libklel-1.1.0 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
KoreLogic Expression Language library
The KoreLogic Expression Language Library is a C library that provides a simple expression language that can be embedded in other programs. This library does not implement a full programming language, but rather a simpler expression language called KL-EL that is designed to provide arithmetic and logic operations useful in situations where embedding a full programming language would be overkill. KL-EL expressions have access to a full set of arithmetic and logic operations, and they can access functions and variables exported from the embedding program. Unlike most other languages of its kind, KL-EL is statically and strongly typed, which helps ensure that expressions are valid before they are executed. The embedding API is designed to be easy to use, and the library itself is designed to be very small.
devel/lockfree-malloc-0.0.20120802 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
Scalable drop-in replacement for malloc/free
lockfree-malloc is a scalable drop-in replacement for malloc/free. * It's thread-friendly. It supports a practically-unlimited number of concurrent threads, without locking or performance degradation. * It's efficient, especially in a multi-threaded environment. Compared to a stock libc allocator, we see a significant performance boost. * It does NOT fragment or leak memory, unlike a stock libc allocator. * It wastes less memory. For small objects (less than 8kb in size), the overhead is around 0 bytes. (!) * It is designed from the ground-up for 64-bit architectures. * It is elegant. The whole codebase is only around 800 lines of fairly clean C++. (!) * It fully stand-alone; it does not rely on pthreads or libc at runtime.
devel/m17n-lib-1.7.0 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
Library for the multilingual text handling
The m17n library provides following facilities to handle multilingual text. * M-text: A data structure for a multilingual text. It is basically a string but with attributes called text property, and is designed to substitute for the C string. It is the most important object of the m17n library. * Functions for creating and processing M-texts. * Functions for converting M-texts from/to strings encoded in various existing formats. * A huge character space, which contains all the Unicode characters and more non-Unicode characters. * Chartable: A data structure that contains per-character information efficiently. * Functions for inputting and displaying M-text on a window system. The documentation is available through devel/m17n-docs.
devel/Data-ShowTable-4.6 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
Perl5 module to pretty-print arrays of data
ShowTable.pm, is a Perl 5 module which defines subroutines to print arrays of data in a nicely formatted listing, using one of four possible formats: simple table, boxed table, list style, and HTML-formatting (for World-Wide-Web output). See the documentation on ShowTable.pm for details on the formatting. The program "showtable" reads data in a variety of formats from a file or STDIN, optimally columnizes the data, and then feeds the array of data to the ShowTable module for display. Showtable can parse its own output as input (except for HTML). Individual or ranges of columns may be selected for display, either by name or by index. In other words, showtable is a data formatting program. Using the '-html' option, showtable can accept ASCII tabular data and format it appropriately for display through a Web-browser.
devel/Eval-Closure-0.14 (Score: 1.9078088E-4)
Safely and cleanly create closures via string eval
String eval is often used for dynamic code generation. For instance, Moose uses it heavily, to generate inlined versions of accessors and constructors, which speeds code up at runtime by a significant amount. String eval is not without its issues however - it's difficult to control the scope it's used in (which determines which variables are in scope inside the eval), and it can be quite slow, especially if doing a large number of evals. This module attempts to solve both of those problems. It provides an eval_closure function, which evals a string in a clean environment, other than a fixed list of specified variables. It also caches the result of the eval, so that doing repeated evals of the same source, even with a different environment, will be much faster (but note that the description is part of the string to be evaled, so it must also be the same (or non-existent) if caching is to work properly).