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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第2,3312,340项(搜索用时0.014秒)
x11-toolkits/attica-0.4.2 (Score: 0.0037523224)
Open Collaboration Services API library
Attica is a Qt library that implements the Open Collaboration Services API version 1.4. The REST API is defined here: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/open-collaboration-services It grants easy access to the services such as querying information about persons and contents. The library is used in KNewStuff3 as content provider. In order to integrate with KDE's Plasma Desktop, a platform plugin exists in kdebase.
mail/rblcheck-1.5 (Score: 0.0037265378)
Command-line interface to Paul Vixie's RBL filter
This program is a very basic interface to Paul Vixie's RBL filter. The basic idea of the filter is that when someone is blacklisted for an email abuse, a new domain name is resolved in the form of "a.b.c.d.rbl.maps.vix.com", where "a.b.c.d" is actually the IP address "d.c.b.a". For example, if the IP address were listed as a blacklisted address, "" would have a DNS entry (this is a real example; that address is in place as a verification mechanism). For more information about the RBL blacklist, please take a look at http://maps.vix.com/rbl/ . For more information about BIND, drop by http://www.isc.org/bind.html . The official home page for rblcheck is at http://www.xnet.com/~emarshal/rblcheck/ . Any ideas, bugfixes, or porting notes should be sent to me at "emarshal@logic.net". Don't bug the MAPS people about this; they didn't write it, and probably wouldn't like getting a bunch of mail about it.
www/squidclamav-6.14 (Score: 0.0037265378)
Clamav c-icap service and redirector for Squid
From the SquidClamav homepage: SquidClamav is an antivirus for Squid proxy based on the Awards winnings ClamAv anti-virus toolkit. Using it will help you securing your home or enterprise network web traffic. SquidClamav is the most efficient Squid Redirector and ICAP service antivirus tool for HTTP traffic available for free, it is written in C and can handle thousand of connections. The way to add more securing on your network for free is here. SquidClamav is build for speed and security in mind, it is first used and tested to secure a network with 2,500 and more users. It is also known to working fast with 15000+ users. With SquidClamav You have full control of what kind of HTTP stream must be scanned by Clamav antivirus, this control operate at 3 different levels: - At URL level, you can disable virus scanning for a set of web site, filename extension or anything that can be matched in an URL. - At client side by disabling virus scan and other redirector call to a set of username, source Ip addresses or computer DNS name. - At HTTP header level, where you can disable virus scanning following the content type or file size.
games/excessive-003 (Score: 0.0036548574)
Quake III Arena Mod: Excessive
Excessive is a mod for Quake III Arena. It's a server-side only mod, so if you only want to play on Excessive servers, you do not need to install this. If you plan on running an Excessive server, then this is for you.
net/PlRPC-0.2020 (Score: 0.0036548574)
Perl module for writing RPC servers and clients
pRPC-modules (Perl RPC) is a package that simplifies the writing of Perl based client/server applications. RPC::pServer is the package used on the server side, and you guess what RPC::pClient is for. See the RPC::pServer(3) and RPC::pClient(3) manpages for detailed information. -Vanilla vanilla@FreeBSD.ORG
net/reposado-0.0.20160422 (Score: 0.0036548574)
Tools for replicating the Apple's Software Update Service
Reposado is a set of tools written in Python that replicate the key functionality of Mac OS X Server's Software Update Service. This enables you to host a local Apple Software Update Server on any hardware and OS of your choice.
net/sup-2.0.20140517 (Score: 0.0036548574)
CMU's Software Update Protocol package
Sup is a program used for upgrading collections of files from other machines to your machine. You execute sup, the client program, which talks over the network using IP/TCP to a file server process. The file server process cooperates with sup to determine which files of the collection need to be upgraded on your machine.
net/srelay-0.4.8b6 (Score: 0.0036548574)
Srelay is a SOCKS4/5 proxy and Relay
The SOCKS proxy and relay. * Srelay is a socks4/5 protocol proxy server * Supports socks connect/bind request in the protocol v4, v4a, and v5. * Supports socks server chaining with both v4 and v5 servers. * Supports Username/Password authentication in v5 (not recommended). * Testing on FreeBSD 8.1R, Solaris 8, 10, Linux-i386, MacOS 10.5. * Supports IPv6 as well as IPv4. * Srelay is Free.
security/acme-tiny-0.0.g.2016.08.18 (Score: 0.0036548574)
Tiny script to issue and renew TLS certs from Let's Encrypt
This is a tiny, auditable script that you can throw on your server to issue and renew Let's Encrypt certificates. Since it has to be run on your server and have access to your private Let's Encrypt account key, I tried to make it as tiny as possible (currently less than 200 lines). The only prerequisites are python and openssl.
security/ssh-1.8.0 (Score: 0.0036548574)
Python SSH2 protocol library
This is a library for making SSH2 connections (client or server). Emphasis is on using SSH2 as an alternative to SSL for making secure connections between python scripts. All major ciphers and hash methods are supported. SFTP client and server mode are both supported too.