Ports 搜索

games/xbomb-2.2b (Score: 0.0011634701)
Minesweeper with a couple of grid types
A program that looks superficially like the minesweeper program that comes supplied with MS Windows (and is also available in other versions). Runs under X Windows on the UNIX operating system. Features -------- There are a number of features that make this version different from the others available (that I have seen). 3 Grid Tile options Hexagonal - Easy (the endgame can be difficult). Square - Traditional. Triangular - Difficult. 3 Grid sizes Small - 8x8 with 10 bombs Medium - 16x16 with 40 bombs Large - 30x16 with 99 bombs Highscore table 10 entries for the fastest times for each of the 3 levels of each of the 3 grid shapes.
www/fullblognotification-0.2.1 (Score: 0.0011634701)
这个插件使用 FullBlogPlugin 的 blog 变更接口来发出下列电子邮件通知: * 新建文章 * 更新文章 * 回复文章 * 删除文章 电子邮件通知会发给做出该变更的人,也可以发给其他用户或者一个通过设定 smtp_always_cc 选项指定的分发列表。 这些发出的电子邮件是使用 Trac 的 ticket_notify_email 模版作为蓝本的 纯文本格式。 如果你正在使用 AnnouncerPlugin,你应该使用它的 FullBlogPlugin 而不是 FullBlogNotificationPlugin。
devel/bzr-builder-0.7.3 (Score: 0.0011609632)
Bzr plugin to construct a bzr branch based on a "recipe"
A "recipe" specifies a number of branches to combine in a certain way. This plugin will take the recipe and give you the resulting branch. It also has a command to then build a source package from the resulting branch and optionally upload it somewhere.
devel/UDCode-1.03 (Score: 0.0011609632)
Does a set of code words form a uniquely decodable code?
A code is a set of strings, called the code words. A code is "uniquely decodable" if any string S that is a concatenation of code words is so in exactly one way. The module provides functions that determine whether a given code is uniquely decodable or not.
devel/Any-Daemon-0.94 (Score: 0.0011603276)
Provides basic needs for a daemon
This module delivers the basic needs for any daemon on UNIX systems. There are other standard daemon implementations available on CPAN, with as main common difference that this module is not dedicated to a specific task. By using Log::Report, you can easily redirect error reports to any logging mechanism you like.
devel/CPAN-SQLite-0.199 (Score: 0.0011603276)
Search CPAN using a SQLite database
This package is used for setting up, maintaining, and searching a CPAN database consisting of the information stored in the three main CPAN indices: $CPAN/modules/03modlist.data.gz, $CPAN/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz, and $CPAN/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz.
devel/Module-CPANTS-Analyse-0.96 (Score: 0.0011603276)
Generate Kwalitee ratings for a distribution
Module::CPANTS::Analyse - Generate Kwalitee ratings for a distribution Kwalitee is inexact quality: * All dependencies in Makefile.PL or the Module::Build equivalent * Well-tested * Well-documented * Documents match code match tests * Covered well * Pod passes Test::Pod * All hyperlinks work
devel/Module-Depends-0.16 (Score: 0.0011603276)
Identify the dependencies of a distribution
Module::Depends extracts module dependencies from an unpacked distribution tree. Module::Depends only evaluates the META.yml shipped with a distribution. This won't be effective until all distributions ship META.yml files, so we suggest you take your life in your hands and look at Module::Depends::Intrusive.
devel/Router-R3-0.011001 (Score: 0.0011603276)
XS wrapper around a C library R3
R3 is an URL router library with high performance, thus, it's implemented in C. It compiles your route paths into a prefix trie. By using the constructed prefix trie in the start-up time, you can dispatch routes with efficiency.
emulators/dosbox-0.74 (Score: 0.0011603276)
Emulator of a PC with DOS
DOSBox is an emulator of a PC with DOS. The main focus of this project is emulating old DOS games using the local file system for files. Currently emulated is: o CPU:286/386 realmode/pmode o GFX:VGA/EGS/CGA/SVGA/VESA o SND:PC-Speaker/Tandy 3-Voice/Adlib/SoundBlaster o MSC:Keyboard/Mouse o DOS:Directory FileSystem/XMS/EMS